Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


AI and Government: Concerns Shaped from Classic Public Administration Writings

Drawing on the classics of public administration, we can start to specify some constraints and goals for artificial intelligence (AI) and develop a “smart” but ethical government that is efficient but also responsive to public concerns.

AI Governance and the Public Management of Transportation

I’m doing an audit of my work on the topic of AI Governance of the Automatrix for publication. It’s my collection of posts on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Governance and the Automatrix or maybe “Robomatrix?” It is about the public management of the future transportation infrastructure as it becomes increasingly “smart” and electric. Pennings, A.J. (2025, […]

Google: Monetizing the Automatrix – Rerun

As we move towards the “Automatrix,” the newly forming digital environment for self-driving and wireless charging transportation, Google looks to situate its search/advertising business at its center.

AI and the Rise of Networked Robotics

We use the first two chapters of Kaku’s book on the “Future of the Computer: Mind over Matter” and “Future of AI: Rise of the Machines” as part of my Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society course. Both chapters address robotics and are insightful in many ways, but they lacked focus on networked intelligence. The book was published on the verge of the AI and robotics explosion that is coming from crowdsourcing, webscraping, and other networked data collection techniques that can gather information for machine learning (ML).

How Do Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Use APIs and Web Scraping to Collect Data? Implications for Net Neutrality

In both AI and Big Data applications, data networks are fundamental to the efficient gathering of information. High speed communications enable the seamless transfer of data between different sources, applications, and cloud locations, contributing to the overall effectiveness of AI models and Big Data analytics. APIs and web scraping are two techniques that are used to gather information from data networks.

Networking Connected Vehicles in the Automatrix

Networking of connected vehicles draws on a combination of public-switched wireless communications, GPS and other satellites, and Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) that directly connect autos with each other and roadside infrastructure.

Wireless Charging Infrastructure for EVs: Snack and Sell?

The strategy behind wireless charging will probably focus more on what WiTricity has coined “power snacking” than full meals. Snacking is actually better for your battery. The snacking can be done by a waiting taxi, a bus stopping for a queue of passengers, and perhaps cars waiting at a red light. Shopping centers are likely locations to “capture” customers with charging stalls, especially if they have their own micro-grids with solar panels on the roof. Infrastructure has been tested to charge these cars while even in motion.

Korea in a Post Covid-19 World, Part 3: The Green New Deal

I examine Korea’s concerns about its quality of life and some of its plans for addressing related economic and environmental issues. Despite impressive economic growth and infrastructure development, the country suffers from congested highways, industrial waste, and regular occurrences of high particle content in its air. Consequently, the Moon administration embraced a Green New Deal in mid-July 2020 to address these issues and pursue opportunities for green growth industries with export potential.

keep looking »
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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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