Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Four Futures and the S-Curve

Dator’s Four Futures is a framework developed by futurist and educator Jim Dator. It presents four broad scenarios or perspectives on the future that can help individuals and organizations think about and plan for different possible outcomes. These scenarios provide a structured way to consider alternative futures and potential developments. The four generic alternative scenarios are: four generic alternative futures” (continuation, collapse, discipline, transformation). This post discusses the use of S-Curves with Dator’s scenarios.

How Do Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Use APIs and Web Scraping to Collect Data? Implications for Net Neutrality

In both AI and Big Data applications, data networks are fundamental to the efficient gathering of information. High speed communications enable the seamless transfer of data between different sources, applications, and cloud locations, contributing to the overall effectiveness of AI models and Big Data analytics. APIs and web scraping are two techniques that are used to gather information from data networks.

Networking Connected Vehicles in the Automatrix

Networking of connected vehicles draws on a combination of public-switched wireless communications, GPS and other satellites, and Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) that directly connect autos with each other and roadside infrastructure.

Deep Packet Inspection of Internet Traffic and Net Neutrality

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a network technology used to inspect and analyze the contents of data packets running through the Internet. It is a critical component of many network security, monitoring, and optimization solutions. DPI can be used in ways that violate these principles, such as by throttling or blocking specific types of content, services, or applications. In such cases, DPI is directly at odds with net neutrality.

US Internet Policy, Part 7: Net Neutrality Discussion Returns with New FCC Democratic Majority

The Democrats finally regained majority control of the FCC when a new nominee, Anna Gomez, was confirmed by the US Senate on September 7, 2023. With a new majority they could effectively address and rule on significant Internet issues, including net neutrality.

ICTs for SDG 7: Twelve Ways Digital Technologies can Support Energy Access for All

To harness the full potential of ICTs for energy development, it is essential to invest in infrastructure, cybersecurity measures, data privacy, and digital literacy.

The Increasing Value of Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS)

Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS) It explores how scientific knowledge, technological innovations, societal values, norms, and institutions influence and shape each other. Investigating the dynamic interplay between these three elements, it seeks to understand their cultural, economic, historical, ethical, and political dimensions.

Remote Sensing Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction

Sensing technologies can provide valuable information about potential hazards, assessing their impact, and supporting response and recovery efforts. This information can support decision-makers and emergency responders before, during, and after disasters. By providing high-resolution maps and imagery (either real-time or archived for analysis over time) they can identify vulnerable areas and monitor changes in the environment, such as changes in land use, crop health, flooding, deforestation, and urbanization.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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