Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


ICT4D and the Global Network Transformation

I focus on the transition in network architecture and organizational models and how that led to the global Internet we have today, and specifically why it could globalize and why it became so cheap.

Digital Borders and Authoritarianism

The enforcement of digital borders by authoritarian regimes in the modern era represents a significant challenge to global norms of free expression, access to information, and human rights. As regimes continue to develop and refine their methods of control, the international community must navigate the delicate balance between respecting national sovereignty and advocating for digital freedoms.

AI and Remote Sensing for Monitoring Landslides and Flooding

Remarks prepared for the 2024 United Nations Public Service Forum ‘Fostering Innovation Amid Global Challenges: A Public Sector Perspective.’ Songdo Convensia, the Republic of Korea 24 -26 June 2024. Organized by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS), Republic of Korea. Thank you very much for this opportunity to address how science and technology […]

Ode to James Larson, SUNY Korea’s First Professor Emeritus

Remarks at the Congratulatory Plaque Award Ceremony for Professor Emeritus June 5, 2024 Ladies and Gentlemen. I’m pleased to say a few words as we celebrate SUNY Korea’s first Professor Emeritus. I came to SUNY Korea eight years ago this past February as the Associate Chair of the Department of Technology and Society, while Professor […]

Four Futures and the S-Curve

Dator’s Four Futures is a framework developed by futurist and educator Jim Dator. It presents four broad scenarios or perspectives on the future that can help individuals and organizations think about and plan for different possible outcomes. These scenarios provide a structured way to consider alternative futures and potential developments. The four generic alternative scenarios are: four generic alternative futures” (continuation, collapse, discipline, transformation). This post discusses the use of S-Curves with Dator’s scenarios.

Deep Packet Inspection of Internet Traffic and Net Neutrality

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a network technology used to inspect and analyze the contents of data packets running through the Internet. It is a critical component of many network security, monitoring, and optimization solutions. DPI can be used in ways that violate these principles, such as by throttling or blocking specific types of content, services, or applications. In such cases, DPI is directly at odds with net neutrality.

ICTs for SDG 7: Twelve Ways Digital Technologies can Support Energy Access for All

To harness the full potential of ICTs for energy development, it is essential to invest in infrastructure, cybersecurity measures, data privacy, and digital literacy.

Public and Private Goods: Social and Policy Implications

In a previous related posts, I wrote about how digital content and services can be considered “misbehaving economic goods” because most don’t conform to the standard product that is individually owned and consumed in its entirety. In this post, I expand that analysis to a wider continuum of different types of public and private goods. […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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