Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Digital Spreadsheets – Techno-Epistemological Power over People and Resources

Understanding spreadsheets helps us see how they work in organizations and how they are implicated in the reproduction of information practices and institutional memories over time. I previously described the different media components of the spreadsheet that come together to create the gridmatic framework that registers, classifies, and identifies new conceptual understandings of organizational dynamics. These institutions or collectivities can be a neighborhood coffee shop or a global corporation; they can be a local Girl Scout Chapter or an international NGO.

Java Continues to be the Most Popular Programming Language

It has been a while since I reviewed the most popular programming languages. The top 10 most popular programming languages according to the statistics gathered for the TIOBE Index for May 2018 are: Java C C++ Python C# Visual Basic .Net PHP Javascript SQL Ruby R The TIOBE Index uses several search engines to calculate […]

Russian Interference, Viral Sharing, and Friends Lying to Friends on Social Media in the 2016 Elections

As discussed previously, social media is now a central part of modern democracies and their election processes. This was touted in the Obama presidential election in 2008 but became even more evident in the 2016 U.S. election, notably for unexpected 304-232 electoral college victory by Donald Trump. The real estate magnate and reality show TV […]

Digital Content Flow and Life Cycle: The Value Chain

In this post, I connect the idea of the digital content life-cycle to the concept of a value chain. E-commerce and other digital media firms can use this process to compare and identify value-creating steps and prioritize them within the organization’s workflow. They also become important in anticipating and analyzing needed human competences and digital […]

Xanadu to World Wide Web

Berners-Lee proposed a project to create a system for sharing information among CERN’s dispersed High Energy Physics research participants. This information management system would form the basis of the global Internet, especially after 1994, when he founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a standards organization that began to guide the Internet’s interoperable technologies with specifications, guidelines, software, and tools for web addresses (URLs), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

Emerging Areas of Digital Media Expertise, Part 4: Business Acumen

In previous posts, I discussed the importance of various skill sets in the emerging digital world: analytics and visualizations, design, global knowledge, technical, and the strategic communication aspects of digital media expertise. The competitive world of digital activities requires proficiency in an extensive variety of marketing, graphic design, and digital production skills. The area of […]

Emerging Areas of Digital Media Expertise, Part 3: Global Knowledge and Geopolitical Risk

This is the third post of a discussion on what kind of knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed for working in emerging digital media environments. It is recognized that students gravitate towards certain areas of expertise according to their interests and perceived aptitudes and strengths. In previous posts, I discussed Design, Technical, and Strategic Communication […]

Statecraft and the First E-Commerce Administration

One of techno-economic history’s most fascinating questions will deal with the stock market advances and technology developments during the 1990s. The eight years of the Clinton-Gore administration saw the proliferation of the Internet and telecommunications sectors. The Internet, a product of the Cold War, became a tool of global commerce. The Presidential election of 1992 […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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