Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Lasswell and Hall – Power and Meaning in Media

Harold Dwight Lasswell was one of the founding influences on the formation of the study of communication, media studies, and sociology. Stuart Hall was a Rhodes Scholar from Jamaica who helped pioneer an area of research at Birmingham Open University coined “British Cultural Studies.” Both contributed significantly to media studies during their tenures, and some […]

Times Square’s Luminescent News Tickers and Public Spaces

Times Square has a storied history as one of the planet’s more recognizable public spaces. Its “zipper” is an electronic news display that has reported and reflected our collective response to news events. It helped establish Times Square as the place to be when major events happen, as we are reminded every New Years Eve. […]

Expressive Values and the Creative Products of the Korean Wave

Invited Respondent Remarks at The Korean Wave: Branding Korea in the 21st Century November 25th, 2014 Hannam University Daejeon, Republic of Korea Hosted by the Linton Global College First, I want to thank Dr. Doobo Shim for his excellent keynote speech and Dr. Jean-Luc Renaud for moderating this event.[1] What I want to talk about […]

New York City’s Emphasis on Global Media Management

Several years ago I started exploring whether it was prudent to create a degree program in Global Media Management. The idea was reinvigorated being here in South Korea in a program that is focused on global issues and skills. So I’m going back to some of my initial research when I was in New York […]

Google Fiber in Austin

Austin, Texas is getting Google Fiber, the one-gigabit digital broadband service from the advertising giant. With connections to individual homes and businesses transmitting up to 1,000 Megabits per second, it is from 60 to 100 times faster than current services. What makes this Google Fiber unique is that it uses digital signals moving through glass […]

Florida’s Creative Class Thesis and the Global Economy

Richard Florida’s works on the importance of creativity in the global economy has received mixed reviews but stand as an impressive body of work.

Apple, Silicon Valley and the Counter-Cultural Impulse

While Woz earned his title as the “Mozart of digital design” through his design of the Apple II, Jobs helped conceive the computer as a democratizing tool with the motto-“One person–one computer.” The microcomputer was sold as a tool that would balance the unequal relationship between institutions and the individual. It would empower the individual and allow their inner artist to emerge. The Apple II Computer went on to become the darling of the counter-cultural crowd and would remain a symbol of resistance against the corporate forces of IBM and later the predatory practices of Microsoft.

Remembering New York’s “Silicon Alley”

Spring 2010 marks the ten year anniversary of the collapse of the market. Share prices of Internet-related companies dropped dramatically. NASDAQ, the online stock exchange that specializes in high tech stocks declined over 3000 points from a high of just over 5,000 in March of 2000. Venture capital continued to prop up the NYC market through 2000 but firms came under increased scrutiny to become profitable.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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