Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Markets and Prices: Pros, Cons

This post looks a how the notion of markets emerged and what is useful and determental about them. It discusses the underlying economic understanding of markets and includes several critiques of this term and our allegiance to them.

AI and Government: Concerns Shaped from Classic Public Administration Writings

Drawing on the classics of public administration, we can start to specify some constraints and goals for artificial intelligence (AI) and develop a “smart” but ethical government that is efficient but also responsive to public concerns.

Legal Precedents and Perturbations Shaping US Broadband Policy

One of the major lessons I learned from Ithiel de Sola Pool’s Technologies of Freedome book was the importance of legal precedent in communication policy, and particularly telecommunications policy. Pool also acknowledged that while legal precedent provides stability and continuity in policy, it also risks becoming an impediment to progress when technology changes beyond the scope of existing laws.

US Legislative and Regulatory Restrictions on Deficit Spending – Reflecting on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

I outline some of the promise of MMT analysis for increased US spending while digging into several legislative and regulatory problems associated with enacting spending long-term.

Digital Borders and Authoritarianism

The enforcement of digital borders by authoritarian regimes in the modern era represents a significant challenge to global norms of free expression, access to information, and human rights. As regimes continue to develop and refine their methods of control, the international community must navigate the delicate balance between respecting national sovereignty and advocating for digital freedoms.

The Division of Labor in Democratic Political Economies

While sharing broad common objectives for a robust political economy, the government and the private corporate sectors have differing motivations and strategies for reaching these aims. Despite the division and differing reasons, the goal is the same, a robust economy that will ensure both profits and political success.

The Future of US Democracy: Getting Excessive Money Out of Elections

Excessive money in political elections corrodes the democratic process by distorting representation, undermining public trust, and prioritizing the interests of wealthy donors over the common good. Efforts to reduce the influence of money in politics aim to promote greater transparency, accountability, and fairness in the political process. Addressing the issue of money in politics requires a combination of legal challenges, legislative reforms, grassroots activism, and civic engagement to create a more equitable and democratic political system.

Deep Packet Inspection of Internet Traffic and Net Neutrality

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a network technology used to inspect and analyze the contents of data packets running through the Internet. It is a critical component of many network security, monitoring, and optimization solutions. DPI can be used in ways that violate these principles, such as by throttling or blocking specific types of content, services, or applications. In such cases, DPI is directly at odds with net neutrality.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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