Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Markets and Prices: Pros, Cons

This post looks a how the notion of markets emerged and what is useful and determental about them. It discusses the underlying economic understanding of markets and includes several critiques of this term and our allegiance to them.

AI and Government: Concerns Shaped from Classic Public Administration Writings

Drawing on the classics of public administration, we can start to specify some constraints and goals for artificial intelligence (AI) and develop a “smart” but ethical government that is efficient but also responsive to public concerns.

Lotus 1-2-3, Temporal Finance, and the Rise of Spreadsheet Capitalism

One of the books I read during my PhD years was Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco (1989), about the $25 billion leveraged buyout (LBO) of the iconic conglomerate (tobacco/snacks/) company by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR). Am LBO is the purchase of a company using high amounts of short-term debt […]

Determining Competitive Advantages for Tech Firms, Part 2

To be successful, tech companies need to understand how to shore up barriers to entry to solidify their positions and become profitable. Within the competitive environment, it is important to be aware of how companies can ward off other companies looking to capture their market share. In this post I expand the analysis of competitive advantages to a wider concept of “tech” companies.

How Do Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Use APIs and Web Scraping to Collect Data? Implications for Net Neutrality

In both AI and Big Data applications, data networks are fundamental to the efficient gathering of information. High speed communications enable the seamless transfer of data between different sources, applications, and cloud locations, contributing to the overall effectiveness of AI models and Big Data analytics. APIs and web scraping are two techniques that are used to gather information from data networks.

It’s the E-Commerce, Stupid

The WTO adopted the Declaration on Global Electronic Commerce on May 20, 1998. Members agreed to “continue their current practice of not imposing customs duties on electronic transmissions.” They also set out to study the trade-related aspects of global Internet commerce, including the needs of developing countries and related work in other international forums.

Zeihan’s Global Prognostics and Sustainable Development, Part II: Implications of Tesla’s Master Plan 3

Tesla’s Investor Day presentation broadly sketched a vision for a sustainable energy economy and how the company would contribute to that plan. However, Peter Zeihan’s work suggests a tougher road ahead with limited premium locations for solar and wind. Furthermore, a deglobalization trend and geopolitical conflict threaten access to critical resources needed for the green revolution.

Digital Spreadsheets – Techno-Epistemological Power over People and Resources

Understanding spreadsheets helps us see how they work in organizations and how they are implicated in the reproduction of information practices and institutional memories over time. I previously described the different media components of the spreadsheet that come together to create the gridmatic framework that registers, classifies, and identifies new conceptual understandings of organizational dynamics. These institutions or collectivities can be a neighborhood coffee shop or a global corporation; they can be a local Girl Scout Chapter or an international NGO.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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