Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Anchoring Television News

“The news is privileged discourse, invested with a special relation to the Real.” – [1] The news anchor is a finely tuned instrument for television performance. Unlike print journalism where disembodied letters of information suggest an objective third person, the televisual anchor is intimate and direct. The news broadcaster leads the viewer through the news […]

Times Square’s Luminescent News Tickers and Public Spaces

Times Square has a storied history as one of the planet’s more recognizable public spaces. Its “zipper” is an electronic news display that has reported and reflected our collective response to news events. It helped establish Times Square as the place to be when major events happen, as we are reminded every New Years Eve. […]

Black Friday and Thomas Edison’s Stock Ticker

The early life of Thomas Alva Edison provides a useful index of the times. It can be argued that Edison would probably not have rose to prominence without the financial turmoil of the late 1860s. Edison happened to be in New York during the famous gold speculation of 1869 that resulted in the “Black Friday” crash.

Origins of Currency Futures and other Digital Derivatives

Thus, it was fitting that Chicago emerged as the Risk Management Capital of the World—particularly since the 1972 introduction of financial futures at the International Monetary Market, the IMM, of the CME. – Leo Melamed to the Council of Foreign Relations, June 2004 International currency exchange rates began to float in the post-Bretton Woods environment […]

America’s Financial Futures History

In his book, Nature’s Metropolis, (1991) William Cronen discussed the rise of Chicago as a central entrepot in the formation of American West. The city was strategically located between the western prairies and northern timberlands and with access routes by river and the Great Lakes. As a dynamic supplier of the nation’s food and lumber […]

Fed Watcher’s Handbook is on Amazon

The world is abuzz with talk about US Federal Reserve and whether it will raise interest rates in September. Interest rates have hovered near 0 percent since 2008, and a rate hike to .25% or .5% is possible. Analysts are asking basic questions: Is the economy strong enough? What do we make of economic problems […]

Gold, Greenbacks and Invention of Electric Indicators for Financial News

Discovered first at Sutter Creek, California, the precious metal introduced a new flow of currency and capital into the US economy. The challenges brought on by the new wealth set in motion technological changes as well. The telegraph was bringing in a new age of electrical innovation, and one of its first creations was the gold indicator.

Telegraphic Communications and the Emergence of Wall Street

This is from an ongoing side project I’m about to publish Telegraphy, Tabulation, and Time-Space Power: Information Technology and Financial News in Early America. Capital markets have long sold themselves as vehicles for capital movement and liquidity. They aggregate wealth from a wide geographical area and make it available at a fixed locale. They also […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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