Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


The FCC Helps Business Go “Online”

The use of computers was starting to become an important tool for businesses by the mid-1960s and with the introduction of timesharing, a communications component was adding value and enhancing productivity. Factories began using data processing to control chemical flows and machine tools and warehouses used them to monitor inventories. Bank branch offices started to […]

YouTube’s Tenth Year Anniversary

Well, YouTube is 10 years old. Or at least it’s been a decade since the first video was uploaded. On April 23rd, 2005, YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim uploaded an 18-second clip titled, “Me at the Zoo.” Here it is: By April 2015, YouTube had over 1 billion users. It was also uploading collectively over 300 […]

Thirty-Five Activities Media Degrees Should Anticipate in Digital Work Environments

I have been working on some projects looking at curriculum that combine media and business. Below is a list of activities that are prevalent in work environments organized around digital technologies. 1) Managing creative work and digital innovation 2) Assessing digital threats and opportunities 3) Understanding global media and cultural trends 4) Marketing content and […]

The Transformation of Telecom to Global IP, GATT to GATS

In a previous post I wrote about how the U.S. Clinton-Gore administration used the notion of the Global Information Infrastructure (GII) to push for the adoption of Internet protocols through multilateral trade negotiations and telecom privatization. Below I address how the inclusion of services in trade talks helped facilitate the international spread of the Internet […]

The Transformation of Telecom to Global IP – GII to WTO

Vice-President Gore had introduced the concept of the GII at the annual ITU meeting in Buenos Aires during March of 1994. The target was the national PTT monopolies, the ITU’s main clientele. “He described a new communications revolution driven by the export of three American ideas: competition instead of monopoly, the rule of law, and the connection of networks to existing networks at a fair price.” Gore’s approach was to use the government to ensure competition and economic development.

E-Commerce with Chinese Characteristics

When Deng Xiaoping, the Communist leader who transformed China into state-centric capitalism had his famous economic realization, “I can distribute poverty or I can distribute wealth,” he probably could not have imagined the power of the Internet and its e-commerce capabilities. Deng and other post-Mao Communist leaders pursued “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” with the argument […]

Determining Competitive Advantages for Digital Firms, Part 2

In a previous post on competitive advantages, I discussed some structural characteristics for digital media firms. Using the framework laid out in Curse of the Mogul: What’s Wrong with the World’s Leading Media Companies as a point of departure, I was able to extend their analysis of traditional media companies to the more dynamic realm […]

How the Web Secures Your Data

Central to facilitating the usefulness of net-centric communications and commerce is the set of protocols that secure private data. Information such as usernames and credit card numbers going through the Internet pass through many types of host routers, as well as your ISP — any of which can constitute a security threat. It is possible […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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