Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Engineering the Politics of TCP/IP and the Enabling Framework of the Internet

The protocols shape flows of information. Protocols have strong influence on the flow of information.

ICT and Sustainable Development: Some Origins

I teach a course called ICT for Sustainable Development (ICT4SD) every year. It refers to information and communications technologies (ICT) enlisted in the service of cities, communities, and countries to help them be economically and environmentally healthy. An important consideration for sustainability is that they don’t impose on conditions or compromise resources that will be […]

Diamonds are a World’s Best Friend? Carbon Capture and Cryptocurrency Blockchains

Instead of mining gold or even Bitcoin, why not move to a diamond standard? Why not use diamonds from carbon recaptured from the atmosphere? Instead of “conflict diamonds,” why not have “climate diamonds?” Can diamonds replace gold and back other currencies?

Modern Monetary “Practice” and the Fear of Inflation in a Low-Supply Economy

So the economy looks to be at risk in late 2021. Will the practical application of MMT provide operational guidance for a new era of prosperity? Can infrastructure and climate change solutions provide sufficient returns on these investments? The big question is whether government spending for such programs can avoid significant inflationary pressures?

US Internet Policy, Part 5: Trump, Title I, and the End of Net Neutrality

The election of Donald Trump in 2016 presented new challenges to broadband policy and the net neutrality rules passed under the Obama administration. Tom Wheeler resigned from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), allowing Trump to pick a Republican chair and swing the power to the GOP. The major issue would be to challenge the FCC’s […]

Internet Policy, Part 4: Obama and the Return of Net Neutrality, Temporarily

This post examines the Obama administration’s approach to Internet regulation and the issue of net neutrality. This involved reviving “Title II” regulation that works to guarantee the equal treatment of content throughout the Internet. Previously, I examined the legal and regulatory components of common carriage and the emergence of net neutrality as an enabling framework for Internet innovation and growth.

Will Offshore Wind Power Print Money?

The economics of offshore wind energy are very much like media economics – high upfront costs and low marginal costs. Wind power requires major capital influx to set up but once operational, the wind is free. Lubrication and other maintenance is needed at times but as long as the wind is blowing, electricity and thus money is being created.

Korea in a Post Covid-19 World, Part 3: The Green New Deal

I examine Korea’s concerns about its quality of life and some of its plans for addressing related economic and environmental issues. Despite impressive economic growth and infrastructure development, the country suffers from congested highways, industrial waste, and regular occurrences of high particle content in its air. Consequently, the Moon administration embraced a Green New Deal in mid-July 2020 to address these issues and pursue opportunities for green growth industries with export potential.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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