Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Lotus 1-2-3, Temporal Finance, and the Rise of Spreadsheet Capitalism

One of the books I read during my PhD years was Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco (1989), about the $25 billion leveraged buyout (LBO) of the iconic conglomerate (tobacco/snacks/) company by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR). Am LBO is the purchase of a company using high amounts of short-term debt […]

AI and the Rise of Networked Robotics

We use the first two chapters of Kaku’s book on the “Future of the Computer: Mind over Matter” and “Future of AI: Rise of the Machines” as part of my Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society course. Both chapters address robotics and are insightful in many ways, but they lacked focus on networked intelligence. The book was published on the verge of the AI and robotics explosion that is coming from crowdsourcing, webscraping, and other networked data collection techniques that can gather information for machine learning (ML).

Digital Disruption in the Film Industry – Gains and Losses – Part 3: Digital FX Emerges

“To succeed predictably, disruptors must be good theorists.” – Clayton Christensen I had a chance to attend a special showing of The Wrath of Khan (1982), the second Star Trek movie, with my daughter a few years ago at the University of Texas in Austin. It included a live appearance by William Shatner, who starred […]

How Do Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Use APIs and Web Scraping to Collect Data? Implications for Net Neutrality

In both AI and Big Data applications, data networks are fundamental to the efficient gathering of information. High speed communications enable the seamless transfer of data between different sources, applications, and cloud locations, contributing to the overall effectiveness of AI models and Big Data analytics. APIs and web scraping are two techniques that are used to gather information from data networks.

Deep Packet Inspection of Internet Traffic and Net Neutrality

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) is a network technology used to inspect and analyze the contents of data packets running through the Internet. It is a critical component of many network security, monitoring, and optimization solutions. DPI can be used in ways that violate these principles, such as by throttling or blocking specific types of content, services, or applications. In such cases, DPI is directly at odds with net neutrality.

The Increasing Value of Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS)

Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS) It explores how scientific knowledge, technological innovations, societal values, norms, and institutions influence and shape each other. Investigating the dynamic interplay between these three elements, it seeks to understand their cultural, economic, historical, ethical, and political dimensions.

The Digital Spreadsheet: Interface to Space-Time, and Beyond?

The digital spreadsheet, a visual interface, uses language and numerical information organized for intelligibility and uses media and mathematical formulas to initiate horizontal and vertical causation. The spreadsheet interfaces the conscious agent with space-time and the quantum realm to operate in the space-time reality and to “summon” new realities through the acts of writing and measurement.

Technostructural Stages of Global ICT for Development (ICT4D)

This post explores and outlines the following stages or phases of economic and social development utilizing information and communications technologies. The ICT acronym has emerged as a popular moniker, especially in international usage, for the digital technology revolution and is often combined with “development” to form ICT4D.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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