Anthony J. Pennings, PhD



Procedures for procuring and fulfilling the requirements for EST 488 Experiential Learning Credits.

EST 488: Internship in Technology and Society
Participation in a private enterprise, public agency, or nonprofit institution. Students are required to submit a proposal to the department at the time of registration that included the location, immediate supervisor, nature of the project and hours per week for the project. One mid-semester report and one end of semester report are required. May be repeated up to a limit of 12 credits but only 3 credits of EST 488 may be used for either TSM major credit or specialization credit.

Prerequisite: TSM Major; Permission of the department

– Find a prospective Internship opportunity. Note that students are required to work 50 hours during a regular semester for each credit. Contact the Career Center at ‘’ to find out more about internship opportunities.

– Contact an Academic Supervisor for the Internship from the DTS faculty.

– Get an EST 488 Experiential Learning Contract from the DTS Coordinator.

– Discuss responsibilities and structure with the Internship opportunity. How many hours/week will you work? Who will supervise? What are your learning objectives?

– Please fill it out and get the signatures of the Academic Supervisor and the Undergraduate Program Director. Determine how you will reflect on the internship at the end of the semester.

– Get the signature of the Site Supervisor at the Internship location.

– Turn the petition in to the DTS Coordinator, who will send it to Stony Brook University for approval.

– Do the work. Enjoy the experience. Represent SUNY Korea, Stony Brook University, and most importantly, yourself by being diligent, polite, and enthusiastic about your opportunity.

– At the end of the semester, the DTS Coordinator will send you the Supervisor Final Evaluation form. Please give it to your workplace supervisor for evaluation. Turn it in to the DTS Coordinator.

– Turn in your end-of-the-semester Reflections to the Academic Supervisor for your final grade. Here are some useful tips for reflecting on your internship.

Good luck!

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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