Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Letters of Recommendation

Guidelines for Letters of Recommendation

– Determine whether I am the best person to ask for a letter.

– Email me to ask whether I am willing to write a recommendation letter for you. Make sure I have some two weeks to submit it.

– If I say yes, write a draft of the letter. You know yourself better than I do.

– Do try to envision your performance from my perspective.

– What classes of mine did you take? How did you do? (optional) What did you get out of my instruction?

– Recognize that you know more about yourself than I do, so add other information that you think is applicable.

Let me know what universities, programs, degrees where you are applying. Write full names, not just acronyms of universities. Do you know what UBC is?

Let me know the deadline(s).

Remind me two days before with the information above again.

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    Copyrights apply to all materials on this blog but fair use conditions allow limited use of ideas and quotations. Please cite the permalinks of the articles/posts.
    Citing a post in APA style would look like:
    Pennings, A. (2015, April 17). Diffusion and the Five Characteristics of Innovation Adoption. Retrieved from
    MLA style citation would look like: "Diffusion and the Five Characteristics of Innovation Adoption." Anthony J. Pennings, PhD. Web. 18 June 2015. The date would be the day you accessed the information. View the Writing Criteria link at the top of this page to link to an online APA reference manual.

  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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