Java Continues to be the Most Popular Programming Language
Posted on | May 31, 2018 | No Comments
It has been a while since I reviewed the most popular programming languages. The top 10 most popular programming languages according to the statistics gathered for the TIOBE Index for May 2018 are:
- Java
- C
- C++
- Python
- C#
- Visual Basic .Net
- Javascript
- Ruby
- R
The TIOBE Index uses several search engines to calculate the programming languages in which most lines of code have been written over the course of a month. In first place is the Java language that was developed by Oracle’s subsidiary Sun Microsystems in the mid-1990s.
Java was developed for interactive TV and mobile devices but found a more immediate home in the emerging World Wide Web. Sun had open-sourced the Java language under the GNU General Public License (GPLv2) in November 2006, so anyone else could copy and use its code. Java has consistently been in the top 5 programming languages for the last 15 years as has C and C++.
Java was a source of contention between Oracle and Google due to its influence on the Android operating system. Oracle claimed Google had infringed its Java copyright by using 11,500 lines of its code in its Android operating system. In 2016 Google won the Android case that protected the idea of “fair use” for APIs (application programming interfaces). The news was welcomed by developers who rely on access to open-source APIs to develop various services.
Java is valuable for developing apps in Android and is also popular in the financial field for electronic trading, confirmation, and settlement systems. Big Data applications like Hadoop, ElasticSearch, and Apache’s Java-based HBase also tend to use Java. It is also preferred for artificial intelligence (AI), expert systems, natural language, and neural network applications, mainly because of the availability of Java code bases and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as a computing environment. It is also used for developing driverless car technology. Java tends to safer, more portable, and easier to maintain than other C languages.
Large organizations tend to use Java more than smaller, start up companies. If you want to work in start-up locations like San Francisco or Austin, Texas you might want to learn Python or a variation of Javascript. Seriously consider Java if you want to be employed in major cities with a high concentration of corporations, government agencies or research institutes.
Having said this, programming languages like C++ and Python continue to be popular. Python is probably the easiest to learn and is popular with Google Chrome and YouTube. Here are some other indexes that monitor the use and popularity of computer programming languages.

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Anchoring Television News
Posted on | May 8, 2018 | No Comments
“The news is privileged discourse, invested with a special relation to the Real.” – [1]
The news anchor is a finely tuned instrument for television performance. Unlike print journalism where disembodied letters of information suggest an objective third person, the televisual anchor is intimate and direct.
The news broadcaster leads the viewer through the news while “anchoring” their attention to specific topics. The anchor anchors meaning. The anchor fixes meaning, in the sense that connections are made and reinforced through the authority and credibility of the speaker. The anchor emphasizes what’s important, and what is to be dismissed or ignored.[2]
He or she, or both, believe in the news, and that makes all the difference. Groomed and conditioned into the voice of authority, the anchor trades in the currency of assurance and credibility.
As the anchor is a guest into the homes and offices of the viewer, they must be trustworthy, well groomed, appropriately dressed, and present the sufficient manners appropriate to such an intrusion. But as they make themselves at home, anchors engage in light banter, laughing and joking with each other, including the viewer, albeit vicariously, in their community.
The anchor pulls the viewer into the hyper-real globe of television news and establishes the link between the world and its representation. As surveillance of the world is one of the key aspects of mass media, the viewer is transported around the world, peeking in on floods and coups, hurricanes and elections, earthquakes and ethnic cleansings. The viewer is included in the sphere of politics and economics.
When the anchor reads the news, computer graphics are often used. In particular, charts give a dynamic, historical validity to the news. A graph of a company’s share price tracked over the last month gives an empirical rhetoric to the argument. A three-month chart of a company’s stock price, for example, reconfirms the anchor’s argument about the relative strength or weakness of that company.
Or now, the anchor can be designed as a computer graphic. Examining the news anchor from the perspective of AI is useful because it raises the question, “What makes the news anchor?” Addressing this question allows for the denotative analysis of the news anchor and the reconstruction of the anchor with digital components, like constructing an avatar in a metaverse environment.
This post introduced some aspects of a formalistic analysis of television news. By examining the “anchor” of TV news, it suggests that television news has rhetorical dimensions that influences business decisions, government policies, and personal world-views.
[1] Morse, M. (1986) “The Television News Personality and Credibility: Reflections on the News in Transition. In Studies in Entertainment: Critical Approaches to Mass Culture. (ed.) Tania Modleski.
[2] A ship uses a heavy object called an anchor that is attached to a rope or chain and used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a lake or sea. Metaporically, the anchor anchors meaning.
Citation APA (7th Edition)
Pennings, A.J. (2018, May 8). Anchoring Television News.

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Tags: Lou Dobbs > News anchor
Posted on | March 8, 2018 | No Comments
The Global Innovation Index (GII) signifies the key role of innovation in economic growth, competitiveness, and sustainability.
Co-published by Cornell University, INSEAD, and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the GII attempts to identify and measure key innovation drivers that assist countries in developing policies to increase employment, improve productivity, and support long-term output growth.
The index is based on data from several sources, including the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Bank and the World Economic Forum. It provides key insights on a wide range of national metrics that help policy-makers develop legislation and regulations that can facilitate economic activity. It currently assesses data in 127 national economies covering over 92% of the world’s population and 98% of global GDP.
The GII Report ranks world economies in terms of their innovation capabilities and results, recognizing the need for indicators that go beyond traditional measures of innovation such as research and development (R&D).
The GII publishes its data in seven major categories called “pillars.” Five input pillars comprise the Innovation Input Index
and capture elements of the national economy that enable or enhance innovative activities: Institutions, Human Capital and Research, Infrastructure, Market Sophistication, and Business Sophistication. Two pillars called the Innovation Output Index capture actual evidence of successful innovation outputs: Knowledge and Technology Outputs, and Creative Outputs.
The Institutions pillar captures the political economy framework of a country. These include political environment, political stability and absence of violence/terrorism, government effectiveness, and the regulatory environment. Business confidence and flexibility is important too and includes regulatory quality, rule of law, cost of redundancy dismissal, business environment, ease of starting a business, ease of resolving insolvency, ease of paying taxes.
This pillar gauges the human capital of countries and includes education levels and expenditures on education. This includes assessment in reading, mathematics, and science as well as pupil-teacher ratios in secondary and tertiary education and rankings of universities. Also considered are graduates in science and engineering, gross expenditure on R&D, and global R&D companies.
The third pillar measures information and communication technologies (ICTs), general infrastructure, and ecological sustainability. ICT includes ICT access, ICT use, government’s online services, and online e-participation. General infrastructure includes electricity output, logistics performance, and gross capital formation. Ecological sustainability measures GDP per unit of energy use, and environmental sustainability performance such as ISO 14001 environmental certificates.
The Market sophistication pillar has three sub-pillars structured around credit, investment and market conditions, trade, and competition. Areas include micro-finance, and venture capital as well as the total level of transactions.
The fifth enabler pillar tries to capture the level of business ability to assess how conducive firms are to innovation activity. These include number of knowledge workers: employment in knowledge-intensive services, firms offering formal training, and females employed with advanced degrees. Innovation linkages include university/industry, cluster development and research collaboration. Intellectual property and royalty payments have become prime indicators of innovation as are high tech imports, ICT services imports, and research talent in business enterprises.
This pillar covers all those variables that are traditionally thought to be the fruits of inventions and or innovations. These include knowledge creation, patent applications by origin, scientific and technical publications, and the rate of GDP per person engaged. Technology outputs include total computer software spending, high-tech and medium high-tech output, knowledge diffusion, intellectual property receipts, high-tech exports, and ICT services exports.
The last pillar on creative outputs measures the role of creativity for innovation. Areas include: intangible assets, trademark applications by origin, industrial designs by origin, ICTs and business model creation, ICTs and organizational model creation. Creative goods and services include cultural and creative services exports, national feature films produced, global entertainment and media market, printing and publishing output, and creative goods exports. Another area is online creativity such as generic top-level domains (gTLDs), Country-code top-level domains (ccTLDs), Wikipedia yearly edits, and Video uploads on YouTube.
These two indicators, the Innovation Input Index and the Innovation Output Index are averaged to compute the GII. The first combines five pillars while the second includes the last two and each score is calculated by a weighted average method. The overall GII score is the average of the Input and Output Sub-Indices. Below are scores tallied for the 2017 Report.
Global Innovation Index 2017 Rankings [Top 15]
Rank Country
1 Switzerland
2 Sweden
3 Netherlands
4 United States
5 United Kingdom
6 Denmark
7 Singapore
8 Finland
9 Germany
10 Ireland
11 South Korea
12 Luxembourg
13 Iceland
14 Japan
15 France

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Tags: GII Report
THE EXPERIMENT, Part I: New Zealand as the World Model For Digital Monetarism
Posted on | February 11, 2018 | No Comments
In 1992 I moved to New Zealand for my first academic position at Victoria University in Wellington. One of my major objectives was to research the privatization of the NZ telecommunications system.
What I soon found was a new strategy for the country had been developed and implemented. The Economic Management (1984) report by the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury contained the seeds of a transformation from a “Welfare State” to a new kind of society focused on digital transformation in conjunction with emerging global financial and trade practices. The new government instituted radical reform measures to implement a neo-liberal regulatory regime that would “reinvent” civil service and privatize many government organizations. The intention was to monetarize the national political economy
Starting “Down Under”
New Zealand was one of the first “guinea pigs” for the global system of digital monetarism. A one-time leader in developing the “welfare state,” the small two-island nation-state in the deep Pacific Ocean had run into economic problems by the early 1980s. It had borrowed heavily during the previous decade, and its agricultural products were increasingly excluded from the rich United Kingdom markets due to the latter’s increasing participation in the European Community. New Zealand’s industrializing attempts also ran up against rapidly escalating inflation, especially oil costs now based on petrodollars. As a result, the NZ economy struggled, and a financial crisis ensued that would turn the country’s tide towards neo-liberalism.[1]
In 1984, a new Labour government was voted in with David Lange as Prime Minister. It was also a time when an active environmentalist and pacifist movement was growing in the small country. Subsequently, the new government voted to restrict nuclear vessels from coming into their ports. The decision represented a major diplomatic problem as the country was party to the ANZUS Treaty. This treaty brought the nation along with Australia under the defensive protection of the United States. As US policy was never to confirm nor deny the existence of nuclear weapons on any of its ships, it effectively meant that no US ships could port in New Zealand.
Consequently, Reagan’s Secretary of State, George Shultz, traveled deep into the Pacific to meet with the leaders of the new Labour Government. Shultz had been Ronald Reagan’s first Secretary of the Treasury and one of the architects of the “Reaganomics” economic transition. The contents of the meeting are sketchy, but the result was that New Zealand could keep its non-nuclear status but needed to undergo major economic restructuring in line with what was going on in the US and in Britain under Margaret Thatcher.
The Economic Management (1984) report contained the strategy of their intended transformation from a “Welfare State” to a new kind of “Enterprise Society” lubricated by digital financial activities. The new government instituted radical reform measures to cut government spending, implement a neo-liberal regulatory regime, “reinvent” civil service and privatize many government organizations, including the Post Office. The intention was to monetarize the national political economy in conjunction with emerging global financial and trade practices.
“Rogernomics” as it came to be called, was a strategy for reviving the sluggish and debt-ridden economy by refocusing on private exchanges or what are aggregately called “markets.” Named after Labour’s Minister of Finance, Roger Douglas, the national program offered a host of measures designed to dismantle its welfare apparatus. Drawing on its strong export trade of animal and natural resource products and, New Zealand attempted to provide its citizens with free education, healthcare, unemployment insurance, and social security. The new Labour-led government would focus instead on cutting fiscal expenditures, streamlining bureaucracy, and selling off state assets. It would also liberalize trade and control inflation through independent central banking.
In 1985, the Labour Party government launched a review of the Post Office after losses in 1987 and 1988 created a political crisis. Its final report recommended transforming the postal service into three state-owned enterprises. The government in 1986 passed through parliament the State-Owned Enterprises Act that corporatized several government agencies into state-owned enterprises (SOE). The New Zealand Post Office’s corporatization was completed with the 1987 passage of the Postal Services Act, along with the SOE Act. The legislation created three new companies: New Zealand Post Limited would continue postal services; the Post Office Bank Limited would become a savings bank, later called PostBank; and Telecom New Zealand Limited, the telecommunications company that would take over the countries’s new fiber optic backbone and implement new technologies with its American partners. Within a few years, PostBank and Telecom were privatized, and only New Zealand Post remained a state-owned enterprise. [3]
Central to the new strategy was the deregulation and privatization of the telecommunications sector. Previously, the sector was under the purview of the New Zealand Post Office (along with the national bank system) and operated like a traditional PTT (Post, Telephone, and Telegraph). But under this new system, the telecommunications company was first valued and corporatized as a state-owned enterprise (SOE) and then sold off.
Throughout the world, the telecommunication infrastructure of many countries would be the regime of digital monetarism’s first target. The reason was twofold. First, telecommunications was increasingly identified as the main conduit for both domestic and transnational business. Digital monetarism needed the fluid movement of information and digital money within and through national borders. The national telecommunications system, while mainly bureaucratic and voice-based, still presented the best opportunity to create a modernized data communications system. The second reason was that, because of the high level of investment needed for a modern telecommunications, a privatized “telco” would be a stronger magnet for capital and a major listing on a domestic stockmarket and was a high priority for investment bankers.
Telecommunications companies became almost universally the largest companies by market capitalization (current share price times the number of shares sold) by the end of millennium. After a period of deregulation and modernization, New Zealand sold almost half the of the the telecom SOE government to Bell Atlantic and Ameritech, two American “Baby Bells.” It also partially floated its shares on public stock markets and soon became the largest listing on the nascent New Zealand Sharemarket. When the selloff occurred in 1989, it was announced with the expectation that it would retire 1/3 of the government debt.
The experiment was a move towards a newly liberalized market economy centered around digital financial transactions and telecommunications. It was led ideological by attacks on the Keynesian system of economic management but was driven by the global debt crisis of the 1980s. New monetary liquidity emerged after Nixon dismantled the Bretton Woods system of currency regulation and technological innovations were once again applied for financial gain. Companies like Reuters developed new computerized systems for currency trading and global news and a global “information standard” emerged that replaced the gold standard as the system for ordering the global economy.
This essay recounts observations of New Zealand’s radical economic transformation in the 1980s, driven by the principles of “digital monetarism.” Facing economic hardship in the early 1980s, New Zealand, a former Welfare State pioneer, adopted neoliberal policies under the Daivd Lange Labour government. The 1984 Economic Management report laid the groundwork for this shift, advocating deregulation, privatization, and fiscal discipline. This transformation, dubbed “Rogernomics,” aimed to revive the economy by embracing markets.
A key element of this change was the restructuring and privatization of the telecommunications sector. Initially part of the Post Office, telecommunications was corporatized as Telecom New Zealand and subsequently partially sold to American companies. This move was driven by the recognition of telecommunications as crucial for both domestic and international business in the emerging digital age, as well as its potential to attract capital investment.
It argues that telecommunications infrastructure became a prime target for privatization globally, facilitating the flow of information and digital money. New Zealand’s experience served as an early example of this shift, driven by a global debt crisis, the dismantling of the Bretton Woods system, and technological innovations in finance and information. The privatization of Telecom New Zealand, presented as a debt-reducing measure, exemplifies this broader move towards a digitally-driven, market-based economy.
Citation APA (7th Edition)
Pennings, A.J. (2018, FEb 14). New Zealand as the World Model For Digital Monetarism.
[1] Britain had resisted joining the EEC because of its existing trading obligations with the Commonwealth, primarily former colonies including New Zealand. Also continental interests, primarily France, were suspicious of the British ties to the US. But as the post-WWII economic boom continued in Europe, it became too attractive and on January 1, 1973 Britain was admitted into the EEC. France agreed, partly because it represented a balance to Germany’s power.
[3] Patrick G. McCabe, (1994) “New Zealand: The Unique Experiment in Deregulation,” in Telecommunications in the Pacific Basin: An Evolutionary Approach. Edited by Eli Noam, Seisuke Komatsukzuki, and Douglas A. Conn. New York: Oxford University Press. Originally presented at the Pacific Telecommunications Conference.

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Tags: ANZUS Treaty > privatization > Rogernomics > Secretary of State George Shultz > SOE
Characteristics of Economic Goods and their Social Implications
Posted on | January 20, 2018 | No Comments
In a previous post, I wrote about how media products can be considered “misbehaving economic goods” because most don’t conform to the standard product that is individually owned and consumed in its entirety. Economics is mainly based on the assumption that when a good or service is consumed, it is used up wholly by its one owner. But not all goods and services fit this standard model.
Media products like a cinema showing or a television program have different characteristics. They are not consumed by an individual owner, and it may be difficult to restrict non-paying users/viewer/consumers from enjoying them. Cinemas can project one movie to large groups because it is not diminished by any one viewer although it need walls and security to keep non-payers out. TV and radio began by broadcasting a signal out to a large population. Anyone with a receiver could enjoy the broadcast. Cable distribution and encryption techniques allowed more channels and the ability to to monetize more households. These variations raise a number of questions about the ownership and consumption of different types of products and their economic analysis.
The characteristics of goods and services also raises questions about how society should organize itself to offer these different types of economic products. Media products and services have required a fair amount of government regulation and sometimes government ownership of key resources. Some goods, like fish, are mainly harvested from resources like lakes, rivers, and oceans that prosper if they are protected, and access restricted from overuse or pollution.
In this post, I will outline four categories of economic goods that need to be considered in today’s digital age with its global economy and changing social systems of governance. The major issues are 1) the degree of consumption or “subtractibility” and 2) whether non-paying consumers can be excluded from their consumption. Media products tend to be non-rivalous and non-excludable and are generally considered to be either “club goods” or “public goods.” Consequently, they are a useful point of departure to talk about other types of goods.
Private Goods
The standard category for economic goods is private goods. Private goods are rivalrous and excludable. A person eating an apple consumes that particular fruit, and it is not available for rivals to eat. Yes, an apple can be cut up and shared, but it is ultimately “subtracted” from the economy. Having lived in apple country, I know you can enter an orchard and steal some fruit. Economists like to use the term households, partially because many products, such as a refrigerator or a car, are shared among a small group of people. Other examples of private goods include food items like ice cream, clothing, and durable goods like a television set.
Common Goods
Common goods are rivalrous but non-excludable, which means they can be subtracted from the economy, but it may be difficult to exclude others. Public libraries loan out books, making them unavailable to others. Tablespace and comfortable chairs at libraries can also be occupied, although it is difficult to exclude people from them.
Fishing results in catches that are consumed as sashimi or other fish fillets. But the openness of lakes, rivers, and oceans makes it challenging to exclude people from fishing them. Similarly, groundwater can be drilled and piped to the surface, but it isn’t easy to keep others from consuming water from the same source.
Oil then, is a common good. In the US, if you own the property rights to the land where you can drill, you can claim ownership of all you pump. Most other countries have nationalized their oil production and cut deals with major drilling and distribution companies to extract, refine, and sell the oil. Russia privatized its oil industries after the collapse of communist USSR, but has re-nationalized much of its control under Rosneft, a former state enterprise that is now a public-traded monopoly.
Oil retrieved from the ground and used in an automobile is rivalrous of course. An internal combustion engine explodes the hydrocarbons to push a piston that turns an axle and spins the wheels. When the energy is released, by-products like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide enter the atmosphere.
Club Goods
Club goods are non-rivalrous and excludable. In other words, they cannot be consumed with usage, and it is possible to exclude consumers who do not pay. A movie theater can exclude people from attending the movie, but the film is not consumed by the audiences. It is not subtracted from the economy. The audience doesn’t compete for the cinematic experience; it shares the experience. That is why club goods are often called “collective goods.” These goods are usually made artificially scarce to help produce revenue.
Software is cheaply reproduced and not consumed by a user. However, the history of this product is wrought with the challenges of making it excludable. IBM did not try to monetize software and focused on selling large mainframes and “support” that included the software. But Micro-Soft (Its original spelling) made excludability a major concern and developed several systems used to protect software use from non-licensees.
It only recently moved to a more “freemium” model with Windows 10. Freemium became particularly attractive with the digital economy and the proliferation of apps. A free but limited app could be offered for free to get a consumer to try it. If they like it enough, they can pay for the full application. This strategy takes advantage of network effects and makes sure it gets out to a maximum amount of people.
Public Goods
The other category to consider are those products that are not subtracted from the economy when consumed and whose characteristics make it difficult to exclude nonpaying customers. Broadcast television shows or radio programs transmitted by electromagnetic waves were early examples. Carrying media content to whoever could receive the signals, the television broadcasts were not consumed by any one receiver. It was also difficult to exclude anyone who had the right equipment from enjoying the programs.
The technological exploitation of radio waves presented challenges for monetization and profitability. While some countries like Britain and New Zealand charged a fee on a device for a “licence” to receive content, advertising became an important source of income for broadcasters. It had been pioneered by broadsheets and newspapers as well as billboards and other types of public displays. As radio receivers became popular during the 1920s, it became feasible to advertise on its signals. In 1922, WEAF, a New York-based radio station charged US$50 for a ten-minute “toll broadcast” about the merits of a Jackson Heights apartment complex. These later became known as commercials and were adopted by television as well.
Cable television delivered programming that was originally not rivalrous but developed techniques to exclude non-paying viewers. They broadcast content to paying subscribers via radio frequency (RF) signals transmitted through coaxial cables, or light pulses emitted within fiber-optic cables. Set-top boxes were needed to de-scramble and decode cable channels and allow subscribers to view a single channel.
Unfortunately, this has led to monopoly privileges and has resulted in many viewers “cutting the cord” to cable TV. Cable TV is being challenged by streaming services that easily exclude non-paying members. Or does it? Netflix is trying to limit access to people sharing their plans with other people.
Generally recognized public goods also include firework displays, flood defenses, sanitation collection infrastructure, sewage treatment plants, national defense, radio frequencies, Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) and crime control.
Public goods are suspect to the “free-rider” phenomenon. A person living in a zone that floods regularly but doesn’t pay for taxes going into levees or other protections gets a “free ride.” Perhaps a better example is national defense.
Anti-Rival Goods
What happens when a product actually becomes more valuable when it is used? It is possible that an economic good not only be not be subtracted but increase in value when it is used? And increase its value when used by more people. A text application has no value by itself, but as more people join the service, it becomes more valuable. This is an established principle called network effects.
Merit goods are goods and services that society deems valuable and the market system does not readily supply. Healthcare and education, child care, public libraries, public spaces, and school meals are examples. Merit goods can generate positive externalities that circulate as positive effects on society. Knowledge creates positive externalities, it spills over to some who were not involved in its creation or consumption.
These are not necessarily all public goods. While medical knowledge is becoming more readily available, a surgeon can operate on a person’s heart, and her resources are not available to others. Hospital beds are limited and medical drugs and subtracted when used. An emerging issue is medical knowledge produced through data science techniques. The notion of public goods is increasingly being used to guide policy development around clinical data.
Economic Goods and Social Policy
Market theory is based a standard model where products are brought to market and are bought and consumed by an individual buyer, whether an individual or a more corporate environment. But as mentioned in a previous post, some products are misbehaving economic goods. A variety of goods do not fit this economic model and as a result present a number of problems for economic theory, technological innovation, and public policy.
Much political debate about economic issues quickly divides between free-market philosophies that champion enterprise and market solutions on the one hand, and economic management by government on the other. The former may be best for private goods, but other goods and services may require alternative solutions to balance production and social concerns.
Much of US technological development was ushered in during the New Deal which recognized the role of public utilities in offering goods like electricity, telephones, and clean water for sanitation and drinking. The move to deregulation that started in the 1970s quickly became more ideological rather than practical, except for telecommunications. Digital technologies emerged within market philosophies, but practical questions have challenged the pure free enterprise orthodoxy.
Media products are misbehaving economic goods in that they do not fit the standard model of a market with products that are consumed by an individual consumer. Modern economics is largely based on the idea that goods are primarily private goods. But as we move towards a society based more on information and digital processes, we need to examine the characteristics of the goods and services we value. We need to design systems of production and distribution around their characteristics.

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Tags: Anti-Rival > club goods > common goods > excludable > Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) > Merit goods > Network effects > non-rivalrous > public goods > rivalrous > subtractibility
Ensuring Successful Democratic Political Economies
Posted on | January 11, 2018 | No Comments
The recent election of Donald Trump for US president has called into question the conditions and competencies for leading a thriving democratic political economy (DPE). The Republican Party candidate had a surprising win over the former First Lady, Democratic Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. This post examines the roles of the public sector and the private sector in ensuring macroeconomic success. Government and business, while often having differing motivations and strategies share the common objective of a thriving economy.
One recurrent issue is whether a career politician is a better choice to ensure a prosperous national economic environment or is a candidate with extensive business experience? Who more likely to create the conditions for political and commercial satisfaction and growth? This issue received recent currency with media attention on self-made billionaire Oprah Winfrey after her talk at the 2018 Golden Globes Award. The issue also calls into question the relationship between government and the private sector and what each contributes to economic activity in a democratic environment.
Historically, presidents from the business sphere have performed below average when it comes to U.S. economic activity, although the sample is statistically small. Jimmy Carter turned around his father’s farm but struggled during the stagflation of the 1970s. George H. Bush was a successful oilman but had difficulties managing the economy after taking over from Ronald Reagan. His son, George W. and the first president with an MBA, made a fortune with the Texas Rangers baseball team but left the country with the “Great Recession” of 2008 and massive debts due to war in the Middle East. Herbert Hoover, who was elected 1928, was engineer and silver mining magnate but failed to ward off the Great Depression. More successful was Warren Harding, a newspaper publisher, who presided over “the roaring twenties” and Harry Truman, who, although a failed businessman, saw the country through the end of World War II and the post-war economic boom.
Trump inherited a fortune from his real estate father and developed an international brand of luxury condos and homes targeted at global elites. Although a media celebrity throughout his career, he never held a government position nor ran for office. His first year as US president saw the extension of the seven-year economic recovery from the Great Recession, primarily due to advances in asset prices due to low interest rates and tax cuts.
But rather than address the capabilities of Trump directly, I will examine some of the structural characteristics that make the success of the economy, a priority for political leadership in democratic political economies. DPEs are republics that have politicians represent the populace in managing governments and their public administrations. This blog post expands on the notion that a division of labor has emerged in DPEs and examines the structural pressures which drive both the public and private sectors towards a common objective – success at the macroeconomic level – despite differing approaches and competences.[1]
Companies drive economic activity by investing in potential profit-making activities. Failure to attract investment within a national boundary can raise significant difficulties for a government and its internal populace. The globalization of commerce and finance since the 1970s has created new forms of competition for capital by national and even regional governments. This trend has challenged the tax base of these governments as they compete to offer better tax deals to multinational capital. The competition for jobs has also reduced wage rates, further eroding tax revenues.
While capitalists are often quite capable of success at the microeconomic level, they are not in a position to manage the economy as a whole. Towards procuring that success, corporations lobby governments and conduct other activities to influence government actions that will help their companies and industry.
Entrepreneurs and other people in business and professional services tend to be highly focused on their own profitability while spending only limited resources on community and civic affairs. Private activities are insufficient to maintain parks, libraries, roads and other public goods that enhance the quality of life. As a result, democratic political economies tend to divide the responsibilities for modern economic life. Corporations focus on commercial and fiduciary success. Governments provide, among other things, a judicial system to protect contracts, a monetary system for transactions and price stability, educational support to train workers, and administrative support to protect the populace from pollution and other dangers. Each shares an interest in robust commercial activities, albeit for differing reasons.
When it comes to ensuring a successful and prosperous political economy, democratic societies have certain structural conditions which guide the emergence of their particular form of capitalism. Neither the public nor private sector in modern democratic societies have sufficient managerial or policy competences to ensure a successful economy. Both rely on a vigorous economy for their success. Each needs economic success to satisfy their respective electoral and fiduciary constituencies. Despite the division and differing reasons, the goal is the same, a vibrant economy that will ensure both profits and political success. The political and commercial spheres both have an interest in macroeconomic success.
Governments look to the fruits of a growing economy to pay for debt interest, defense, and other services, including welfare. Their goal is to maintain a happy populace that will keep them in office. They want a prosperous economy to keep people employed, keep share prices high, and investment flowing into productive activities that will not only keep people feeling economically secure, but provide tax revenues.
The private sector, in general, is unable to ensure overall capitalistic growth on its own. It lacks sufficient organizational and policy consciousness to ensure success at the macroeconomic level. While corporations are often quite capable of success at the microeconomic level, they are not in a position to manage the economy as a whole.
The private sector wants growth and profits as well. Corporations strive to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities – maintaining high profits for owners and shareholders. Towards procuring that success, they lobby governments and conduct other activities to influence government actions that will help their companies and industry. However, while these attempts may help individual companies or industries, they are insufficient to ensure the success of capitalism as a whole.
An interesting situation emerged with President Obama’s “You didn’t build that” statement during the 2012 presidential election campaign.
- “If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”
The statement quickly received criticism by Governor Romney, a successful businessman, and others as an example of government encroachment in the private sector. The criticism echoed a similar critique against Vice-President Al Gore’s “I took the initiative to create the Internet.” Certainly, the Internet has progressed to be a major medium of global commerce due to entrepreneurial initiatives and accomplishments. However, much of the initial research and development, as well as the policy framework, was created by a wide range of government actions that transformed what was essentially military technology into commercial products and services.
The Republic’s Interest in the Economy
In the first of the major structural mechanisms that Fred Block proposed to explain why government officials pursue policies that are in the general interest of capitalism, he draws on the work of Claus Offe (1976). The officials of the government, according to this view, are to some extent dependent on the level of economic activity that: 1) allows the state to finance itself through taxation or borrowing; and 2) maintains popular support among the voting citizenry. Significant business investment, high levels of employment and minimal amount of government competition for surplus capital make up the most common strategies for ensuring high levels of tax receipts while keeping the voting public relatively content.
Governments require a tax base to help fund their activities, whether meeting the bureaucracy’s payroll, building infrastructure or funding defense. According to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) governments provide a monetary system to standardize the currency used in the collection of taxes.
Taxes are policy decisions that affect different people, advantage different groups, make possible certain governmental directions. They tax a combination of capital gains, income, sales of goods and services, etc. Inheritance taxes for example, are meant to not only collect revenues, but impose a cost on the transfer of wealth and limit familial privilege and class divisions.
Administrations also produce debt instruments that help finance government activities. In the global digital financial economy, debt produced through government securities increasingly fund a significant amount of education, healthcare, military, research and other expenditures.
These instruments also provide an important hedge for the financial sectors. The global trading environment requires constant trading in a large variety of financial instruments. Government debt allows traders to increase trading activities by allowing them to hold government securities in their portfolios and trade them constantly.
Common economic doctrine argues that governments compete with the private sector for capital but in reality, the increase in government spending increases the financial sphere by expanding the trading environment, facilitating transactions, and providing instruments for risk reduction. This is a dangerous trend for governments, but financial institutions apply pressure to increase the amount of debt in circulation.
Elected officials also need to keep the voting populace materially happy to stay in office. Economic indicators play a vital role in the public’s perception of the economy. These indexes provide numerical representations of various states of the economy, from consumer confidence, to price levels and the latest unemployment rates. In an age when pensions and retirement accounts are invested in the financial markets, the public also follows such indicators as the Dow-Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and NASDAQ to gauge their personal wealth. Policies that increase corporate wealth, such as tax cuts, are seen by many voters as more valuable than government expenditures on food stamps or other forms of personal welfare as they increase stock prices.
Significant structural relationships make the business of the economy, the business of government. For one, modern democratic governments have significant fiscal determinants that compel them to establish a major stake in the economy. Relying on taxation and borrowing to propel their activities and programs, they need to ensure a robust commercial sphere in order to obtain the needed financing to run the government, provide for the national defense, monitor the economy, and conduct special programs.
The business class is acutely aware of the influence government has on their interests and work towards shaping that influence, whether it be depressing the minimum wage, alleviating environmental restrictions, or shaping tax policy. Many critics of democratic political economies argue that influence gives capital concerns sufficient control over the state. For Block however, it is the first of several reasons, the “icing on the cake.” Other structural factors are at work and need to be considered.
Influence Channels and Cultural Constraints
Two “subsidiary structural mechanisms” are also important when it comes to shaping the actions of public administrators towards economic growth. These are influence channels and cultural hegemony.
The first of the subsidiary structural mechanisms are the influence channels. The private sector can exert significant pressure on the state through its ability influence politicians, especially in a media age requiring significant expenditures on TV and other mediums for advertising. The aims of this influence have generally been oriented towards the procurement of government contracts, favorable legislation, tax cuts, regulatory relief, labor control, and specific spending in certain areas. They are most often lobbying activities, campaign contributions, and other favors. The high costs of elections, particularly media buys for procuring elections, have tied government officials to the influence of economic concerns.
Undoubtedly, issues related to bribery, coercion, and the revolving door into higher paying jobs may be factors that influence policy actions, however, this does not discount larger structural factors at work.
Cultural hegemony was cited as a second subsidiary structural mechanism. Unwritten rules infiltrate democratic political economies, which tend to indicate what is and what is not acceptable state activity. “While these rules change over time, a government that violates the unwritten rules of a particular period would stand to lose a great deal of its popular support. This acts as a powerful constraint in discouraging certain types of state action that might conflict with the interests of capital.”[2]
A contemporary example is the cultural divide over the idea of “liberalism.” This term was recoded during the 1970s and 1980s as an attack on conservative culture, specifically religion and the belief in work and entrepreneurial activity. This attack was also located in the work of the US government. President Ronald Reagan was a strong voice in the articulation and critique of “liberalism” and promised to “get government off our backs.” This divide has been a dominant cultural characteristic of the modern US political debate.
More recently, President Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Climate Accords. While not as popular as Reagan, Trump appealed to a growing backlash against the calls for government action to address the consequences of climate pollution influencing weather effects around the world. Many were convinced that such actions would too expensive and hurt economic progress. Others refused to believe the scientific discourse on the topic. But mostly, strong interests in petrochemical-related industries drive the discussion on climate change through media technologies such as astroturfing to avoid a major “carbon bubble” collapse. For the most part, liberal progressive movements have embraced sustainable technologies and renewable energies such as hybrid cars, solar panels, and vegetarianism.
Government and corporations, while sharing broad common objectives for a robust political economy, have differing motivations and strategies for reaching these aims. Despite the division and differing reasons, the goal is the same, a robust economy that will ensure both profits and political success. Neither can, by themselves, ensure successful economic growth, but by recognizing this division of labor, and the structural properties that guide each sector, democratic political economies can guide government and corporations towards mutually reinforcing successes.
[1] Claus Offe and Fred Block have been particularly influential in examining these relationships. When I was in grad school one of my minors was public administration. One the authors that interested me was the sociologist Fred Block. He delineated a set of structural mechanisms that determine the relationship between governments and the private sector in modern economies.
[2] I originally wrote a version of this essay in graduate school. I was reading a lot of public administration as well as neo-Marxist state theory. Fred Block’s work was particularly useful and much of the ideas of a structural division of labor is based on his work, including this quote on p. 14.
Citation APA (7th Edition)
Pennings, A.J. (2018, Jan 11). Ensuring Successful Democratic Political Economies.

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Tags: democratic political economies (DPE) > Jimmy Carter > Warren Harding
Times Square’s Luminescent News Tickers and Public Spaces
Posted on | January 1, 2018 | No Comments
Times Square has a storied history as one of the planet’s more recognizable public spaces. Its “zipper” is an electronic news display that has reported and reflected our collective response to news events. It helped establish Times Square as the place to be when major events happen, as we are reminded every New Years Eve.
Each December 31, crowds gather to celebrate the dawning of a new year (Except for pandemic-ridden 2020). Thousands line up, often in freezing cold weather, to see the famous crystal time ball drop. The ball was created by Walter F. Palmer as a way to celebrate the arrival of 1908 and was inspired by the Western Union Telegraph building’s downtown clock tower that dropped an iron ball each day at noon. Now millions participate with the Times Square crowd as television audiences from around the world tune into the final countdown.
Times Square is now flooded with variously evolved reader boards (Reuters, ABC, Morgan Stanley, etc.), all based on the original 1928 Times Tower electric ticker.
Evan Rudowski argues he was sending tweets long before Twitter emerged in 2007. In 1986, Rudowski got a job scanning the newswires like AP and UPI and entering short 80-character news briefs into what has been called the “Zipper”, a five feet high and 880 feet long electric display providing breaking news and stock prices to the passing crowds. He typed in the messages on an IBM PC and transmitted them from an office in Long Island to the famous ticker display at One Times Square in New York City.
In 1928 the New York Times encircled its signature building with an outdoor incandescent message display. In its November 1928 print edition, it headlined “HUGE TIMES SIGN WILL FLASH NEWS.” It explained, “Letters will move around Times Building telling of events in all parts of the world.”
The zipper’s first message announced the results of the 1928 Herbert Hoover – Al Smith presidential election. The crowd reaction was probably mixed as the loser Al Smith was from New York. On the other hand, he didn’t even carry the state in the electoral college.
Nevertheless, the zipper would reach out to the nation through major announcements such as the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the end of World War II on V-J Day, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the release of 52 hostages that were held in Iran for 444 days.
The surrender by the Japanese drew one of the biggest crowds. On Aug. 14, 1945, the “zipper” flashed: “***OFFICIAL***TRUMAN ANNOUNCES JAPANESE SURRENDER” just after 7 pm that evening and the Times Square crowd exploded in celebration. A picture of a sailor kissing a young nurse he didn’t know by Photojournalist Alfred Eisenstaedt memorialized the event as it symbolized the relief of a dramatic war coming to its end.
The foot traffic in Times Square is extraordinary, with the daily number of pedestrians exceeding 700,000. It’s a mesmerizing and sometimes dizzying experience as you cross 42nd street on your way up Broadway. Hundreds of different displays provide a kaleidoscope of vivid imagery.
For a history of the stock ticker, see my post on Thomas Edison.

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Tags: stock ticker > ticker tape > Times Square > Times Square zipper > V-J Day
Auctioning Radio Spectrum for Mobile Services and Public Safety
Posted on | December 17, 2017 | No Comments
The breakup of AT&T in the 1980s created new opportunities for new companies to emerge and offer new services, including wireless or mobile telecommunications. Wireless systems lacked the spectrum or infrastructure for broadband and telcos were restricted by their “common carrier” status from carrying content at the time. Government policy needed to address the issue of supplying the public’s radio spectrum to private carriers to enhance the nation’s telecommunications abilities, its e-commerce or “m-commerce” opportunities as well as the ability to protect the public safety and respond to disasters.
Since the 1970s, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) had segmented the spectrum to provide two analog cellular licenses in about 500 geographically separated areas. One was traditionally given to the Bell system (later to each of the Baby Bells) and another was awarded in each area by lottery. The second license was often subject to various speculation schemes, creating thousands of “cellionaires” and driving up the costs of mobile telephony. Additional costs were added by the high prices the Bell companies charged for interconnecting the wireless portion to the larger public-switched network.
In 1991, President Clinton signed the Emerging Telecommunications Technology Act to release radio spectrum to the private sector. Previously, cellular offered its services with only 50 MHz of spectrum. The Act allocated 200 MHz to be released over a 10-year period for a variety of wireless offerings such as PCS (Personal Communications Services). PCS emerged in recognition of the necessity to expand mobile services beyond car phones on roads and highways to a wider array of antennas that would serve more sophisticated services and extended mobility. A plan in Washington D.C. emerged to privatize parts of electromagnetic spectrum.[1]
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 had a rider that allowed the FCC to auction off the public’s radio spectrum. Exercising his privilege as Vice-President, Gore broke the Senate tie and sent it on to the President to be signed. The legislation, which was the first bill to balance the budget in 30 years, gave the FCC the authority to privatize the wireless spectrum. On July 25, 1994, the Federal Communications Commission commenced Auction No. 1,
netting some $617 million in winning bides by selling ten Narrowband Personal Communications Services (N-PCS) licenses used for paging services. The subsequent auction in March 1995 raised $7.7 billion for the US Treasury as companies like Air Touch and AT&T procured valuable licenses to provide wireless services. Consequently, wireless communications prices went down and services expanded.
Technological advances led to a new generation of (2G) digital wireless in 1990. But it was still offered over circuit-switched networks meaning that each conversation still needed its own channel and was slow to connect. TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) was becoming the standard in the US while GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) was used in Europe and PDC (Personal Digital Communications) was dominant in Japan and used packet-switching technologies.
Soon, 2.5G standards provided faster data speeds with the use of data packets, known as General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). The new standards provided 56-171 Kbps of service and allowed Short Message Service (SMS) and MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) services as well as WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) for Internet access. An advanced form of GPRS called EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution) was used for the first Apple mobile phone and considered the first version using 3G technology. For a history see my previous post on wireless generations.[3]
In 2008, the FCC auctioned licenses to use portions of the 700 MHz Band for commercial purposes. Mobile wireless service providers have since begun using this spectrum to offer mobile broadband services for smartphones, tablets, laptop computers, and other mobile devices. The electromagnetic characteristics of the 700 MHz Band gives it excellent propagation to penetrate buildings and obstructions easily and to cover larger geographic areas with less infrastructure (relative to frequencies in higher bands).
By July 1, 2009, the U.S. Government raised $52.6 billion in revenues by licensing electromagnetic spectrum.
More recently public auctions of spectrum have been used to support the development of First Net, a nation-wide network for public safety and disaster risk reduction. The FCC raised $7 billion in spectrum auction to fund the network at the 700 MHz. Concluded in January 2015, the spectrum auction raised nearly $45 billion.
[1] From “Administration NII Accomplishments,” October 25, 2000.
[2] Hundt, R. (2000) You Say You Want a Revolution? A Story of Information Age Politics. New Haven: Yale University Press.
[3] Pennings, A. (2015, April 17). Diffusion and the Five Characteristics of Innovation Adoption. Retrieved from

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