Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Three Levels of Digital Media Metrics

As the web transforms both user and institutional practices across the digital media sphere, the search for useful metrics intensifies. The traditional techniques of measuring eyeballs and eardrums for television and radio are insufficient in an environment where digital technologies offer so much more in terms of interaction and transaction capabilities. The three levels of digital and social media metrics mentioned above are part of a process of producing valuable information to understand the effectiveness and success of campaigns, products, and services as well as their contributions to organizational sustainability.

Banner Years – The Resurgence of Online Display Ads

Although second to keyword advertising, display ads continue to be a significant revenue source for web publishers.[1] While search-based keyword advertising continues its astonishing ascendancy, “banner ads” continue to be a workhorse for many marketing efforts. Revenues continue to rise, and the addition of Facebook as a potent new advertising vehicle has added a new […]

Virality and the Diffusion of Music Videos

According to Unruly Media, the top spot on the list of all-time viral shares belongs to the video by Jennifer Lopez – On The Floor featuring Hispanic-American rapper Pitbull. The disco duet leads the virality list with 37,405,834 Facebook shares and 271,177 Twitter shares since March of 2011.

Dominant and Emerging Models of Global E-Commerce

E-commerce is as dynamic as the technologies and creative impulses involved and can be expected to morph and expand in concert with new innovations.

Four Ways to Think about Democracy and Media

I was lucky to have a great mentor during my graduate school days who provided a strong intellectual foundation for further study and research. Majid Tehranian, a professor of the political economy of communications at the University of Hawaii was the chair of my Masters thesis committee and also assisted me by serving on my PhD […]

Some Economics of Social Media

I say communication because while social media often involves media content, it adds a new dimension by giving users a voice either through user-generated content or/and its ability to critique, review, and comment on that content.


Over time, these regimes shaped an informational and technological environment that was sequentially dedicated to: 1) a military real-time hemispheric radar defense system to protect against a nuclear attack; 2) an international regime of capital decontrols, electronic money and financial news flows, and 3) an electronic environment for social networking, surveillance, and global business to business (B2B), business to government (B2G), business to consumer (B2C), and consumer to consumer (C2C) transactions.


Consequently, these technologies are also involved in shaping modern American society, establishing new rules and protocols for daily life, and in the application and practice of power at the political level.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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