Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Digital Destruction

Although I have often been quite optimistic about the changes brought on by these technologies at times, I don’t want to discount the destructive aspects of the microprocessor revolution and its impact on real people. As someone who monitors the effects of media and IT, I knew I wanted to pursue this notion of the destructive aspects of digitalization.

Former Special Assistant to President Obama Talks about Telecom Policy at NYU

Susan Crawford, a former Special Assistant to President Obama for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy gave a lecture today about the state of telecommunications policy in the United States. Currently she is a professor at Cardozo Law School in New York City and a Visiting Research Collaborator at Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy. As […]

How “STAR WARS” and the Japanese Artificial Intelligence (AI) Threat Led to the Internet, Part II

With the establishment of the Institute for New Generation Technology (ICOT) in April 1982, the Japanese announced their interest in developing a new generation of computers that would be intelligent and take the global lead in AI.

Towards a Bachelor of Science in Global E-commerce

The “Bachelor of Science in Global E-commerce” is designed for those dynamic individuals who recognize that the complex interplay between business acumen, technological expertise, and global knowledge is driving an economic transformation around the world. Along with technical competence – exceptional business, project management, and collaboration skills are needed by modern enterprises to develop and implement global e-commerce strategies.

Dominant and Emerging Models of Global E-Commerce

E-commerce is as dynamic as the technologies and creative impulses involved and can be expected to morph and expand in concert with new innovations.

Digital Television and the Challenges for International Public Policy

Found this paper recently that I gave to the Pacific Telecommunications Council in 1997. In my conclusion I state that “IPTV may fall on the scrapheap of history, like ISDN, but it’s apparent both the telco and the television industry will continue to go through substantive changes. Two apparent changes are its increasing globalization and […]

How “STAR WARS” and the Japanese Artificial Intelligence (AI) Threat Led to the Internet

The announcement of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or “Star Wars” as it became popularly known, mobilized important resources that funded a major step in the emergence of the Internet and its World Wide Web.

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    Pennings, A. (2015, April 17). Diffusion and the Five Characteristics of Innovation Adoption. Retrieved from
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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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