Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Those Media Products are Misbehaving Economic Goods

Bad, bad media. Or so economists would have us believe. Media and information products just don’t fit the mold, or should I say, model. Most economic thinking is based on models that make simple assumptions about the types of goods and services that are produced and purchased. Economists like their tight little models and the […]

TPP and the Role of Intellectual Property in the US Export Economy

With the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal under discussion, it’s useful to look at some of the changes in the world economy, and specifically the US export economy and the increasing role of intellectual property (IP). As it stands, I’m not for the trade deal, but I feel it’s important to parse through the details […]

Microsoft and the IBM PC Case Study: The Deal of the Century

The microcomputer was starting to become popular in the late 1970s and finally caught the attention of IBM. Initially resistant, “Big Blue” became concerned that they were “losing the hearts and minds” of their clients. However, when the Apple II started to show up in many corporate environments, IBM officials were concerned about the encroachment […]

Mind Mapping in Higher Education

Mind mapping is a valuable tool for higher education activities. Students can use them for notetaking and reviewing previous lectures. They can also be used for class exercises that stimulate creative thinking. Mind maps have a magnetic quality where ideas attract similar thoughts. Therefore, they can be used to increase student concentration and focus.

Markets: Pros and Cons

The term “market” has been widely circulated to refer to any arrangement, institution or mechanism that facilitates the contacts between potential sellers and buyers and helps them negotiate the terms of a transaction. In other words, a market is any system that brings together the suppliers of goods and services with potential customers. The term […]

The Telecom Crash of 2002

One of the economic history’s most fascinating questions will deal with the stock market advances during the eight Clinton-Gore years, especially those in the Internet and telecommunications sectors. During their tenure in the 1990s, the stock markets boomed, and the investments created the lowest unemployment in years. They also contributed significantly to the administration’s goal […]

Hootsuite and the Social Media Curriculum

I’ve been training people in Hootsuite for the last three years. The desktop and mobile dashboard system was designed to integrate and manage social media applications like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter. Some others you might recognize are Foursquare, MySpace, WordPress, TrendSpottr, and Mixi. While it has some competition, it is still the best social […]

Fed Watcher’s Handbook is on Amazon

The world is abuzz with talk about US Federal Reserve and whether it will raise interest rates in September. Interest rates have hovered near 0 percent since 2008, and a rate hike to .25% or .5% is possible. Analysts are asking basic questions: Is the economy strong enough? What do we make of economic problems […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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