Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Origins of the “Information Economy”

The economic understanding of knowledge’s contribution to the economy accelerated in the 1970s and terms such as “information society” and the “information economy” began to achieve high rates of circulation by the next decade. When I was at the East-West Center in Honolulu as a graduate student during the 1980s, I was part of a […]

How the Web Secures Your Data

Central to facilitating the usefulness of net-centric communications and commerce is the set of protocols that secure private data. Information such as usernames and credit card numbers going through the Internet pass through many types of host routers, as well as your ISP — any of which can constitute a security threat. It is possible […]

Bitcoins and the Properties of Money

“Money is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store.” – Lyrical couplet used to memorize the roles of money. Bitcoin emerged during the Great Recession to challenge the notion of official money and particularly its political and symbolic connection to a national system. While the US and much of […]

Digital Media Archetypes

The digital world is competitive, but quite enticing for people looking to explore their capabilities to produce creative and imaginative content. Companies struggle in a competitive environment and it takes commitment and intensive skill sets to be successfully employed in the digital fields. One way to look at the requirements are in terms of some […]

The Fedwire Network and Open Market Operations of the Federal Reserve

I’ve been studying financial technology since I did my masters degree on global money and telecommunications networks. One of the most intriguing examples is the US Federal Reserve’s Fedwire network. Probably the most secure data network in the world, it has been designed to provide a wide range of services for financial institutions such as […]

Why Digital Media Firms Need to be Fed Watchers

Over the course of about 10 years of teaching economics and digital media at New York University (NYU), I developed a simulation of the Federal Reserve Bank that has proved useful in engaging participants in the study of economics, monetary policy, and how the US economy works. I developed it initially to make my macroeconomics […]

Licensing Creative Properties – Merchandise and Characters

One strategy for digital media growth is the licensing of creative intellectual property, a $150.8 billion industry that is increasingly global. Intellectual property law provides protection for creative content and licensing is required when a desired property such as an animated character is controlled with a copyright, trademark or even a patent. Licensing is giving […]

JFK’s Contribution to Global Communications

On November 22, 1963, shortly after noon, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through downtown Dallas. Although he was only president for three years, he had an extraordinary influence on the development of our modern technological age, especially the rise (literally) of global communications and the fulfillment of Clarke’s vision.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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