Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Seeing from Space: Cold War Origins to Google Earth

President Eisenhower had been secretly coordinating the space program as part of the Cold War since the early 1950s. He had become accustomed to the valuable photographic information obtained from spy planes and considered satellites a crucial new Cold War technology. The D-Day invasion of Europe, which he had managed as the head of the […]

Obama “Hustling” E-Commerce Exports

Share Tweet President Obama recently spoke to the US Chamber of Commerce about the importance his administration was putting on exports and trade agreements. The event coincided with the release of a document on global e-commerce that discusses topics such as harmonizing commodity descriptions, export controls and regulation, free trade agreements, international payment systems, fraud […]

China bids Baidu to Google

While the big search engine news is the row between Google and Microsoft’s Bing, China’s Baidu continues to become a search behemoth with financial successes exceeding expectations and a dominating market share in Chinese language search. Sanctioned by the People’s Republic of China, Baidu’s name comes from a poem written during the Song Dynasty over […]

Chinese E-Commerce Group becoming a Global Power

When Deng Xiaoping, the Communist leader who transformed China into state-run capitalism had his famous economic realization, “I can distribute poverty or I can distribute wealth”, he probably could not have imagined the power of the Internet and its e-commerce capabilities. Now, China’s Internet users has risen to nearly 620 million, twice as many as […]

The Deal with Facebook

Goldman Sachs’ recent $450 million investment in Facebook only intensifies the scrutiny into this social networking giant which recently surpassed Google as the most visited site on the Internet. Goldman’s investment puts it first in line to win the lucrative deal for a future IPO of Facebook as well as manage the wealth realized by […]

E-Commerce and the Holidays

By almost all accounts, it was a record holiday season for global e-commerce. Comscore, one of the major trackers of e-commerce results recorded holiday season retail e-commerce spending for the first 56 days (November – December 2010) at $30.81 billion, a 13-percent increase over the same time period a year before. The week before Christmas […]

Two Great Debates on Net Neutrality: Cerf-Farber and Lessig-Gilder

With the FCC releasing its latest rulings on Net Neutrality just before Christmas I thought I would go back to two very good debates about it. The first one at the Center for American Progress on Monday, July 17, 2006 featured Vinton G. Cerf, the creator of TCP and David Farber from the University of […]

Advertising, E-Commerce and the Power of Search

At the core of global e-commerce’s extraordinary potential is the power of search engines and the new advertising strategies they enable. Search engine based advertising has continued to increase rapidly and drive e-commerce with it. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) reported that Internet advertising revenues in the U.S. totalled nearly $6.5 billion during the third […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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