Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


When Finance Went Digital

By the end of the 1970s, a basic domestic and international data communications system was created that provided for the regime of digital monetarism to expand around the world. Drawing on ARPANET technologies, a set of standards emerged that was conducive to the public-switched telephony networks operated by the national telecom authorities such as France […]

Origins of Currency Futures and other Digital Derivatives

Thus, it was fitting that Chicago emerged as the Risk Management Capital of the World—particularly since the 1972 introduction of financial futures at the International Monetary Market, the IMM, of the CME. – Leo Melamed to the Council of Foreign Relations, June 2004 International currency exchange rates began to float in the post-Bretton Woods environment […]

Fed Watcher’s Handbook is on Amazon

The world is abuzz with talk about US Federal Reserve and whether it will raise interest rates in September. Interest rates have hovered near 0 percent since 2008, and a rate hike to .25% or .5% is possible. Analysts are asking basic questions: Is the economy strong enough? What do we make of economic problems […]

Reviewing Castells’ Global Automaton

In my long-term quest to find some answers as to what constitutes the techno-informational framework of the global financial system, I ran across Manuel Castells’ description of the “Automaton” a number of years ago. He wrote a chapter called “Information Technology and Global Capitalism” in Global Capitalism (2000) where he made some linkages between the […]

The Surveilling Eye of Global Financial News

Surveillance of the world is considered an important function of media systems and plays a unique role in the financial industry. Furthermore, it is important to place the analysis of financial news within the political context of a larger techno-structural environment of global financial trading that works to discipline countries, companies and people around the world. The implications of this global web have been amplified by the extraordinary volume and velocity of the system that sees tens of trillions of dollars of trades transacted every day.

Electric Money Never Sleeps

Money used to sleep a lot. It would nap while waiting for a telex message to go out. It would doze off while waiting for a telephone connection. It would slumber on railroad routes. It would hibernate on transoceanic crossings. By the mid-20th century, money developed insomnia. Computers and telecommunications were being used together to […]

How IT Came to Rule the World-The Information Standard and Other Sovereignties

President Nixon’s decision to close the gold window in 1971 signaled a dramatic shift in the US international financial policy and the future of the world political economy. The move largely meant the end of the containment of international finance set up at the end of World War II. No longer was the US constrained […]

Figuring Criminality in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street

Perhaps no other film captured the economic changes taking place in the 1980s as did Oliver Stone’s (1987) Wall Street. Much of the financial world started to change dramatically as deregulation and technical innovation created new dangers and new opportunities for both the abuse and the creation of wealth. This post looks at how that […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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