Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Symbolic Economies in the Virtual Classroom: Dead Poets and the Lawnmower Man

This post examines two films that address the production of modern educational spaces and subjectivities. Through them we can begin to figure the symbolic and energetic configurations in the “virtual classroom” and other technological environments for learning and training.

Building Dystopian Economies in Facebook’s Metaverse

Strangely relevant to the new emergence of virtual environments like Facebook’s Metaverse, the talk was held in downtown New York City at the Woolworth Building, known as the “Cathedral of Commerce” when it was built in 1913. The location was strangely appropriate given the topic, a wrap-up of a year-long project at New York University on Second Life. The project involved an animation class taught by Mechthild Schmidt-Feist, and my class, the Political Economy of Digital Media. I still have the tee-shirt my students gave me that says “Got Linden?” a reference to Second Life’s currency, the Linden.

Xbox One – Extending Virtual Reality and Multi-Player Games

Today we got the first look at the new Xbox game console, the Xbox One S. It’s been three years since the original Xbox One was introduced in a broadcast live on Spike TV from the Microsoft campus in Bellevue, Washington when representatives from Microsoft’s Xbox team and strategic partners such as Activision and EA […]

Digital Games and Meaningful Play

A game is a structured form of playing and involves choices of action. It invokes an organized way of making choices, taking action, and experiencing some kind of feedback.

Computer Technology and Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

Many computer labs are now designed around the concept of problem-based learning (PBL), a student-centered approach where participants work in groups to solve open-ended problems. Instead of teachers presenting relevant material first and then have students applying the knowledge to solve problems, PBL engages the students in the problem, inviting them to engage higher-order thinking […]

YouTube: Alice’s Rabbithole or Hypertext to Hell?

Edited remarks from the conference on YouTube: Ten Years After November 20, 2015 Hannam University Linton School of Global Business I’m happy to be a part of this commemoration of YouTube’s tenth year anniversary and thank Dr. Youngshin Cho for being our keynote speaker and enlightening us with his very informative talk.[1] Hopefully, you are […]

Emerging Areas of Digital Media Expertise, Part 1

A couple of years ago I was working with a group of Digital Media MBA students doing an independent study course and it helped me conceptualize some changes going on in the industry and related employment changes. In extensive discussions about their goals and their perspective on the dynamic high-tech sector in Austin, I began […]

What is Entertainment?

I’m intrigued by the more physiological connotations connected to the stomach area. In English medical terminology, “enteral” as in enteral feeding or enteral nutrition refers to tube feedings or the delivery of nutrients directly into the stomach or intestines. Does entertainment have something to do with stomach rather than the head? Is it base rather than cerebral?

keep looking »
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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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