Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Advertising, E-Commerce and the Power of Search

At the core of global e-commerce’s extraordinary potential is the power of search engines and the new advertising strategies they enable. Search engine based advertising has continued to increase rapidly and drive e-commerce with it. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) reported that Internet advertising revenues in the U.S. totalled nearly $6.5 billion during the third […]

Digital Distribution and the Future of Publishing

Digital distribution has already been a major influence on the sales of music, movies, games as well as the sharing of user-generated content. Apple’s iPad has garnered first mover advantage in the area of digital publishing, providing the technical environment if not the business model for the future of newspapers and advertisements.

Towards a Bachelor of Science in Global E-commerce

The “Bachelor of Science in Global E-commerce” is designed for those dynamic individuals who recognize that the complex interplay between business acumen, technological expertise, and global knowledge is driving an economic transformation around the world. Along with technical competence – exceptional business, project management, and collaboration skills are needed by modern enterprises to develop and implement global e-commerce strategies.

Dominant and Emerging Models of Global E-Commerce

E-commerce is as dynamic as the technologies and creative impulses involved and can be expected to morph and expand in concert with new innovations.

Why I’m a Tsaiko: Sports and Social Media

I don’t have a lot of time for sports these days but I do stay true to my alma mater, the University of Hawaii (UH) despite the fact I live in New York City. Forget professional sports. I may catch a Jets or Giants game now and then while I’m working on my computer. Yankees? […]

Remembering New York’s “Silicon Alley”

Spring 2010 marks the ten year anniversary of the collapse of the market. Share prices of Internet-related companies dropped dramatically. NASDAQ, the online stock exchange that specializes in high tech stocks declined over 3000 points from a high of just over 5,000 in March of 2000. Venture capital continued to prop up the NYC market through 2000 but firms came under increased scrutiny to become profitable.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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