Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Measuring the Popularity of Programming Languages

I was reviewing the latest statistics about the most popular programming languages on the TIOBE Index this morning. While disagreements exist about the methodology they utilize, TIOBE’s results seem to be consistent with others in that Java and C are by far the most widely used with C++, C#, and PHP also popular. Python is […]

Mysteries of Facebook Optimization: EdgeRank

Probably the most important part of the Facebook experience is the News Feed, the list of items (called objects) from your friends, fans and groups on the main page. But what you may not realize is that not all the news that is fit to print shows up directly in the ‘Top News’ because of […]

Developing Apps for Apple’s Mobile Devices

Share Tweet While Android mobile devices like my Droid X are certainly gaining in popularity, Apple products still lead the pack in terms of popularity, if not user satisfaction, for mobile products. The key to Apple’s new mobility devices is the iOS operating system originally developed for the iPhone, but now the standard for an […]

The University of Hawaii and the History of Non-Linear Editing

When I was working on my PhD at the University of Hawaii (UH), we became the first academic institution in the world to obtain an Avid non-linear digital editing (NLE) suite. An Avid NLE was purchased in early 1990 due to the vision and determination of Stan Harms and Dan Wedemeyer, professors in the Communication […]

Multimedia and Multiple Intelligences

Share Tweet When I was teaching at Victoria University in New Zealand, I was invited to give a keynote address for a distance learning conference at Massey University. I chose to draw on Howard Gardner‘s theories of multiple intelligence and connect them to multimedia. I always thought that the Harvard psychology professor had developed a […]

Wanted: Top Skills in Information System Management

The market for information tech and systems management skills is starting to look good again, despite a continued trend to look offshore. The following are some of the ISM (Information Systems Management) skills in demand and what talented professionals are making. ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) ABAP, pronounced as ‘ah-bop’, is a high level application-specific […]

Elements of Web Design

I found Robin Williams four elements of design from her The Non-Designer’s Design Book extremely useful. She stressed adherence to 4 major design principles: Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, and Proximity (CARP). I have rearranged the letters differently at times but no matter the order, it is still these basic four.

E-Commerce and the Holidays

By almost all accounts, it was a record holiday season for global e-commerce. Comscore, one of the major trackers of e-commerce results recorded holiday season retail e-commerce spending for the first 56 days (November – December 2010) at $30.81 billion, a 13-percent increase over the same time period a year before. The week before Christmas […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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