Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Moving Economic and Financial Curves

I’ve previously written about how the historical development of “one price” and equillibrium changed political economy to economics due to the development of market graphs. In these visualizations that empowered a new economics, supply and demand curves intersect at a “market clearing” price where suppliers and buyers of a good or service are happy to […]

Markets and Prices: Pros, Cons

This post looks a how the notion of markets emerged and what is useful and determental about them. It discusses the underlying economic understanding of markets and includes several critiques of this term and our allegiance to them.

The Future of US Democracy: Getting Excessive Money Out of Elections

Excessive money in political elections corrodes the democratic process by distorting representation, undermining public trust, and prioritizing the interests of wealthy donors over the common good. Efforts to reduce the influence of money in politics aim to promote greater transparency, accountability, and fairness in the political process. Addressing the issue of money in politics requires a combination of legal challenges, legislative reforms, grassroots activism, and civic engagement to create a more equitable and democratic political system.

Public and Private Goods: Social and Policy Implications

In a previous related posts, I wrote about how digital content and services can be considered “misbehaving economic goods” because most don’t conform to the standard product that is individually owned and consumed in its entirety. In this post, I expand that analysis to a wider continuum of different types of public and private goods. […]

Technostructural Stages of Global ICT for Development (ICT4D)

This post explores and outlines the following stages or phases of economic and social development utilizing information and communications technologies. The ICT acronym has emerged as a popular moniker, especially in international usage, for the digital technology revolution and is often combined with “development” to form ICT4D.

MMT in a Post-Covid-19 Environment

We hear the term “printing money” a lot, usually by gold or bitcoin enthusiasts who believe in establishing strict financial constraints. By establishing “hard money” and limiting the quantity of money in an economy, they hope to see their assets rise in value while keeping prices down. Certainly, governments do print some of their money for public use, but the preponderance of funds are entries in digital ledger accounts.

Analyzing YouTube Channels

We are pushing the realms of media analysis here by taking film and television studies and applying it to a new visual medium – YouTube.

US Technology Diplomacy

I’d like to cover three areas about US technology diplomacy. First, I want to talk about America’s domestic renewal. Then I will address some of the major US institutions managing technology diplomacy. The State Department has the prerogative for taking diplomatic leadership but the USTR and Commerce Department are also involved. Lastly, I want to end with some comments on “norms” in multilateral technology diplomacy, particularly the “securitization” of cyber technology.

keep looking »
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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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