Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Top Social Media and Forum Sites in the US

Here is a list of the top social media websites and forums as compiled by Experian‘s Hitwise ranked by the number of visits during the week ending on April 2, 2011. I have added links in case you are not familiar with the individual sites. It shows the dominance of Facebook, particularly over its former […]

Viral Marketing and Network Effects

Hotmail was one of the first companies to capitalize on network effects when founders Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith began to offer web-based free email accounts in the summer of 1996. Previously, people would access their email accounts by logging into their email accounts through a PC or mainframe terminal at a university, corporation, or […]

Social Media: Some Thoughts on Curriculum

Social media are sets of Internet and mobile platforms and tools that facilitate meaningful exchanges and value creation between individuals and with groups and organizations in both the commercial and public spheres. While the earliest tools included blogs, bookmark sharing, forums, podcasts, tagging, and wikis; new applications available through platforms like Facebook, Hulu, Second Life, […]

Social Media Entering Phoenix Stage?

I thought this guy was interesting when I saw him on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. He argues passionately that social media is in a stage much like at the end of the era where we didn’t really know how to get the returns on our investments in the Internet. He says we won’t really see […]

My Top Social Media Books

In general I’m unhappy with the focus and range of books on social media. Still, some interesting works are worth mentioning. I don’t really have them in a particular order as I haven’t really developed a useful taxonomy. Also I don’t have extensive comments as I link them to their Amazon pages where you can […]

Social Network Seminar – Translating Virtual Engagement into Political Reality

CrossRoads Spring 2011: Social Networks – translating virtual engagement into political reality Friday, February 18, 6-8:30pm NYU Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, room 405 Speaker: Andrew Noyes, Public Policy Communications Manager, Facebook, (Washington D.C.) Interviewed by: Dr. Anthony Pennings, NYU-McGhee-DCoM Andrew Noyes joined Facebook in 2009 after covering Capitol Hill, the White House, federal […]

Shutting Down a Nation’s Internet: The Case of Egypt

Late in the evening of January 27, 2011, US trackers watched the global access to Egypt’s cyberspace shut down. Starting with incumbent Telecom Egypt’s TE Data, Raya Telecom, and other ISPs (Internet Service Providers) around the country began to hit the proverbial Internet “kill switch.” Content from Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and emails failed to traverse […]

WordPress Guru Skypes into NYU Class

OK, so he is one of our own, but it doesn’t diminish Tony Zeoli‘s commitment to WordPress since its early days. Tony skyped in our Digital Media Management class last Thursday night to talk about WordPress, the open source blogging turned content management system increasingly being used by corporeals and corporations alike. WordPress is currently […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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