Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Banner Years – The Resurgence of Online Display Ads

Although second to keyword advertising, display ads continue to be a significant revenue source for web publishers.[1] While search-based keyword advertising continues its astonishing ascendancy, “banner ads” continue to be a workhorse for many marketing efforts. Revenues continue to rise, and the addition of Facebook as a potent new advertising vehicle has added a new […]

The Meaning Makers: Omnicom Group

Update: On July 28, 2013 it was announced that Publicis Groupe and Omnicom Group were merging to form Publicis Omnicom Group. Meaning-making in our media-saturated world through advertising and public relations has traditionally has been dominated by several major holding companies that each in turn owns a large number of individual of advertising, design, public […]

Viral Marketing and Network Effects

Hotmail was one of the first companies to capitalize on network effects when founders Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith began to offer web-based free email accounts in the summer of 1996. Previously, people would access their email accounts by logging into their email accounts through a PC or mainframe terminal at a university, corporation, or […]

Haiti Recovery Highlights Role of Mobile Technology and Electronic Money in Disaster Relief

I know a lot of people who contributed to the relief situation in Haiti as did as our family via a text message that charged us $10 on my monthly Verizon phone bill. It was quick and relatively painless on our part and probably for many others. In ten days Americans pledged more than $30 million to the Haiti effort. You can still text ‘Red Cross’ to 90999 to aid relief efforts in that devastated country or text the word “HAITI” to 20222 to donate $10 to the Clinton Foundation Haiti Relief Fund (or “QUAKE” to the same number to donate $10 to the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund).

The Meaning-Makers: WPP

This is my second post for The Meaning-Makers series. The first discussed advertising behemoth, Omnicom, one of the top four global holding companies in the advertising, PR, and media buying field along with the Interpublic Group and the Publicis Groupe. This industry continues to be dominated by 4 major holding companies and the case can be made that have significant power over the production of meaning in our world.

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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