Mind Mapping in Higher Education
Posted on | October 22, 2015 | No Comments
An underutilized creative technology that enhances the educational experience is a writing process called mind mapping. Mind mapping is a visual form of contemplation and word association that can be used for note taking, journaling, and creative thinking. Connecting words with branching lines and adding colors and images creates a mental dynamism that facilitates getting ideas into a concrete form on paper or an electronic document that can be readily reviewed and shared.
This post describes mind maps, how they are used, their value to students, and how they can be used for lectures, class exercises, and brainstorming activities.
What are mind maps?
Inspiration Software, Inc. defines a mind map as “a visual representation of hierarchical information that includes a central idea surrounded by connected branches of associated topics.” Mind maps can be either drawn by hand or designed on computer software application like that offered by Inspiration, Mindjet or Mindmeister. The basic technique draws on the human tendency to make mental connections by word association and the power of writing to stimulate thoughts and creative ideas.
How do they work?
Mind maps start in the middle of a page or document with a central idea and expand outward using keywords on branches. They move from the general to the specific, with details they become more defined as the map expands outward. Fewer words are better than phrases or sentences, but every distinct keyword or grouping of words (or image) should be set on its own line. Be sure the lines are the same length as the word/image they support. It is important to economize on space as reaching the perimeter of the document restricts your thinking and means you are literally running out of ideas.
How students can use mind maps
These diagrams can be used in several ways. At their best, they help classify ideas or generate new connections between ideas, the very definition of creativity. They can make note-taking in classes more efficient, engaging, and fun. Notes taken in mind maps are also easier and faster to review, making studying for a test more efficient. Mind maps can help organize ideas for writing projects as they are basically non-linear outlines. Examine this mind map on Shakespeare.
Another way to use mind maps is to start a class, requesting the students to map out the last class. This facilitates learning by reinforcing key ideas, directing the student’s attention to the class at hand and its topics, and giving the students visible information to share in class. As they are good for getting to details, mind maps are helpful for event planning, such as class trips, group presentations, or graduation parties.
Using mind maps for presentations
Mind maps can be used to present information in class lectures, although certain precautions should be taken. They are inherently personal, so other viewers should be guided step-by-step. Displays of mind maps from a computer projected on a screen should be accompanied with specific guidance. First, the principles of the hierarchical structure should be reviewed. The presentation should proceed from the central idea to the details, showing the “Big picture” and the significance of related concepts.
It is efficient to organize the critical ideas of the maps clockwise starting at 1 o’clock. It also makes the map more intelligible by providing a familiar structure.
Mind maps should converted to jpegs and then to pdfs for additional usability. With a pdf, you can highlight a section of the map you want to focus on during a presentation. Using the mouse, you can click and draw squares and rectangles around the words, phrases, or images relevant to the lecture.
Group brainstorming
Mind maps drawn on a whiteboard, blackboard, or large newsprint pad on an easel can be used with groups of students to brainstorm and exchange ideas. This means capturing each person’s thoughts while simultaneously stimulating the group’s best thinking. Words are again organized radially around the central idea. Prioritization can be avoided until subsequent stages when more sequential or hierarchical structures can be arranged in a new mind map, a Gantt chart, or other form of visual organization. Presenting ideas visually makes it easier for the students to follow and can more readily contribute to the group process.
Mind mapping is a valuable tool for higher education activities. Students can use them for notetaking and reviewing previous lectures. They can also be used for class exercises that stimulate creative thinking. Mind maps have a magnetic quality where ideas attract similar thoughts. Therefore, they can be used to increase student concentration and focus.
Faculty can use mind maps to develop class presentations and actually use them to present their lectures by drawing on a board or projecting from a computer on to a screen. Although these diagrams are not immediately helpful in communicating ideas, they can be used very effectively with proper guidance. They are also good for reviewing previous lectures or reading assignments. Lastly, they can be used for brainstorming and facilitating student participation.
Citation APA (7th Edition)
Pennings, A. J. (2015, Oct 22). Mind Mapping in Higher Education. https://apennings.com/educational-innovations/mind-mapping-in-higher-education/
[1] Images from http://www.tonybuzan.com/ website. Tony Buzan is generally considered the inventor of mind mapping.

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