Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


AI and Remote Sensing for Monitoring Landslides and Flooding

Invited remarks prepared for the 2024 United Nations Public Service Forum ‘Fostering Innovation Amid Global Challenges: A Public Sector Perspective.’ Songdo Convensia, the Republic of Korea 24 -26 June 2024. Organized by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS), Republic of Korea. Thank you very much for this opportunity to address how science and […]

Remote Sensing Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction

Sensing technologies can provide valuable information about potential hazards, assessing their impact, and supporting response and recovery efforts. This information can support decision-makers and emergency responders before, during, and after disasters. By providing high-resolution maps and imagery (either real-time or archived for analysis over time) they can identify vulnerable areas and monitor changes in the environment, such as changes in land use, crop health, flooding, deforestation, and urbanization.

GOES-16 Satellite and its Orbital Gaze

“With this kind of resolution, if you were in New York City and you were taking a picture of Wrigley Field in Chicago, you’d be able to see home plate.” So says Eric Webster, vice president and general manager of environmental solutions and space and intelligence systems for the Harris Corp. of Fort Wayne, Indiana […]

Drone Journalism and Remote Sensing

After 9/11, I developed and often taught a course at New York University called Remote Sensing and Surveillance. It was designed to study the promises and perils of technologies such as aerial photography, closed circuit cameras, multiple orbit-earth satellites, and a number of IP-based web surveillance systems. The course combined a social science approach with […]


To these ends a massive mobilization of capital and technological means was initiated. Over the next few decades, tensions increased and investments in military electronics and space-based technologies led to the first electronic computers and major advances in telecommunications, including satellites for remote sensing and communications.

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    Pennings, A. (2015, April 17). Diffusion and the Five Characteristics of Innovation Adoption. Retrieved from
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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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