Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


US Technology Diplomacy

I’d like to cover three areas about US technology diplomacy. First, I want to talk about America’s domestic renewal. Then I will address some of the major US institutions managing technology diplomacy. The State Department has the prerogative for taking diplomatic leadership but the USTR and Commerce Department are also involved. Lastly, I want to end with some comments on “norms” in multilateral technology diplomacy, particularly the “securitization” of cyber technology.

The Transformation of Telecom to Global IP, GATT to GATS

In a previous post I wrote about how the U.S. Clinton-Gore administration used the notion of the Global Information Infrastructure (GII) to push for the adoption of Internet protocols through multilateral trade negotiations and telecom privatization. Below I address how the inclusion of services in trade talks helped facilitate the international spread of the Internet […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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