Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


Three Levels of Digital Media Metrics

As the web transforms both user and institutional practices across the digital media sphere, the search for useful metrics intensifies. The traditional techniques of measuring eyeballs and eardrums for television and radio are insufficient in an environment where digital technologies offer so much more in terms of interaction and transaction capabilities. The three levels of digital and social media metrics mentioned above are part of a process of producing valuable information to understand the effectiveness and success of campaigns, products, and services as well as their contributions to organizational sustainability.

Working Big Data – Hadoop and the Transformation of Data Processing

One day Google downloaded the Internet, and wanted to play with it. Well, that is my version of an admittedly mythologized origin story for what is now commonly called “Big Data.” Early on, Google developed a number of new applications to manage a wide range of online services such as advertising, free email, blog publishing, […]

Virality and the Diffusion of Music Videos

According to Unruly Media, the top spot on the list of all-time viral shares belongs to the video by Jennifer Lopez – On The Floor featuring Hispanic-American rapper Pitbull. The disco duet leads the virality list with 37,405,834 Facebook shares and 271,177 Twitter shares since March of 2011.

The Qualtrics Conundrum

The challenge of this new age of research will be the articulation and visualization of meaning that addresses and informs higher levels of purpose and understanding.

The New Frontier of “Big Data”

The Internet has added a whole new dimension to the “mining” of data from outside the organization while user generated content has added tremendously to the “infoverse” of obtainable and usable data.

Wanted: Top Skills in Information System Management

The market for information tech and systems management skills is starting to look good again, despite a continued trend to look offshore. The following are some of the ISM (Information Systems Management) skills in demand and what talented professionals are making. ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) ABAP, pronounced as ‘ah-bop’, is a high level application-specific […]

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  • About Me

    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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