The Meaning-Makers: WPP
Posted on | June 28, 2010 | No Comments
This is my second post for The Meaning-Makers series. The first discussed advertising behemoth, Omnicom, one of the top four global holding companies in the advertising, PR, and media buying field along with the Interpublic Group and the Publicis Groupe. This industry continues to be dominated by 4 major holding companies and the case can be made that they have significant power over the production of cultural and political meanings in our world.
From the UK comes another of the big four advertising/PR/media holding companies, WPP. A $US 14 billion dollar company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland that is publicly traded in London and on NASDAQ. With over a 105,000 employees, WPP operates all around the globe and its noted for its flagship companies, Kantar, Ogilvy & Mather and Young & Rubicam.
WPP’s holdings offer creative campaign development, brand management, public relations, services as well as media buying and planning support. Its Kantar Group division is one of the world’s leading market research organizations.
Despite a major contraction in 2008 of over 10%, global advertising sales are expected to increase during 2010 by 4.2% to total of $377 billion according to MagnaGlobal.
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD has been on the NYU faculty since 2001 teaching digital media, information systems management, and global political economy.
Tags: brand management > global advertising sales > Kantar > Ogilvy & Mather > production of meaning > WPP > Young & Rubicam
How IT Came to Rule the World, 2.3: Data Packets for Dollars
Posted on | June 25, 2010 | No Comments
This is the 18th post in the mini-series How IT Came to Rule the World and addresses some of the earliest attempts to privatize and globalize the Internet. Here, the early Internet, called ARPANET, was privatized by a bunch of entrepreneurial engineers who worked with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to make a pre-TCP standard, the X.25 and X.75 protocols to provide data networking for banks and other multinational users.
Larry Roberts, the Chief Scientist at ARPA who oversaw the development of the ARPANET, became the CEO of the new subsidiary – Telenet, that went into operation in 1974 offering packet-switched data communications commercially. Telenet also set out to plan a new international data-networking standard and quickly began working on packet-switching standards with the ITU, the organization that set standards for world’s telephone organizations.
Generally called PTTs (Post, Telephone, and Telegraph), these organizations were nearly universally controlled by the governments of their respective countries. They were concerned that privately owned data networks would cut them economically out of potentially profitable new services and were thus motivated to facilitate the new standards that would allow them to manage and tariff (price) international data flows. They were also politically concerned that proprietary data networks would become “Trojan Horses”, allowing sensitive national information to pass easily through their borders.
Roberts negotiated a series of new protocols that left more control at the level of the telecommunications network rather than at the individual host (as it would with TCP/IP). The X.25 and related X.75 protocols allowed countries to set up their own public-switched data networks such as Uninet, Euronet and the Nordic Data Network. The new data communications standards would not end the economic and political debates. In fact, they would just begin, as packet-switching networks began to have a revolutionary new role as a major conduit for a brave new world of electronic money and international news. Before email and the World Wide Web, electronic money was the “killer app” for data networking.
Using the new X.25 series of packet-switching protocols embraced by the ITU, banks developed extensive international networks and clearinghouse systems to offer information services for the movement of credit information and money and to settle accounts. The supranational fund of electronic eurodollars that emerged out of the OPEC surpluses of the 1970s’ oil crises an provided an important step to the global Internet as the packet-switched technology was implemented in banking networks to coordinate the resultant flows of international currency exchange and debt. This newly forming regime of electronic money led to dramatic transformations of the world’s electronic infrastructure, including the privatization of the global satellite system and national telephony systems that had previously set up formidable obstacles to the flows of digital communication.
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD was on the NYU faculty from 2001 teaching digital media, information systems management, and global political economy.
Tags: ARPA > eurodollars > ITU > Larry Roberts > OPEC > PTTs > TCP/IP > X.25
How IT Came to Rule the World, 2.2: Eurodollars, Petrodollars
Posted on | June 22, 2010 | No Comments
How did the world of global digital monetarism emerge? How did fluid capital transcend the containment policies and national boundaries erected in the period up to 1970s? How did it develop in the 1980s and beyond into a global financial environment?
While origins are often difficult to delineate, the phenomenon of “eurodollars” – US dollars held outside of the geographical boundaries of the United States – bare scrutiny. US currencies, real and numeric, began to increase in the post-WWII years, as US military commitments and commercial investments grew in Europe and later Asia. Legend has it that the name of the errant currency came about when a Russian bank, trying to avoid confiscation of its foreign assets as the Cold War escalated, parked its dollars in a French bank with a telegram address of “eurobank.” US banks during the 1960s also moved money offshore to avoid regulations under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. It was the oil crises of the 1970s that dramatically increased the amounts of US dollars overseas.
Late 1973 marked the beginning of the first oil crisis, an event that would contribute substantially to a surplus fund of supranational electronic money. Untethered from gold, the value of the dollar had dropped appreciably after Nixon “closed the gold window” in 1971, raising concerns by the oil-exporting countries and other countries selling goods and services for dollars. Political instability increased when war broke out in the Middle East as Egypt and Syria, supported by a coalition of Arab states conducted a surprise attack on Israeli.
Caught by surprise, and mired by the Watergate investigation, the White House supported Israel and increased their defense condition from DefCon 4 to DefCon 3, provoking the USSR and nearly causing a nuclear conflict. OPEC countries boycotted the U.S and other Western countries to punish the supporters of Israel. As oil prices quadrupled, US dollars, the only accepted currency in the oil markets, poured into OPEC countries and were subsequently deposited into the major banks of the international financial system.
Seeking profits, banks began investing heavily in computer communications to help recycle OPEC funds, sometimes called “petrodollars.” A prime target was “Third World” and other countries eager for the money. Sometimes pressured by “economic hit men,” countries took loans for infrastructure projects, paying for oil, and sometimes to stash away in private accounts.
Information technologies became helpful as banks decided to form syndicated loan networks to spread their lending risks. A lead bank would arrange the funding and supply a significant share of the loan while contacting many other banks to contribute smaller amounts to the loan. However, the telegraph system needed to be faster and smoother, and soon, these processes were computerized with word processors and data communications. This move toward the automation and globalization of Eurodollars led to increasing pressure from banks and other transnational companies to create a more efficient global telecommunications system.
By the early 1980s, many countries accepting these petrodollars began to face financial difficulties, leading to the infamous “Third World Debt Crisis” that rocked countries like Mexico, Poland, and New Zealand. The crisis led to major austerity programs, as the Reagan administration retasked the IMF with approving additional loans based on “structural adjustments” that would lead to more open markets for capital and information flows as well as trade.
One of the primary targets of the structural adjustment was government-controlled and/or owned telecommunications systems, leading to their deregulation and, eventually, privatization in liberalized telecommunications markets. This led to further pressure to reduce barriers to international flows of data and capital, and arguably the global Internet and the modern realm of digital monetarism.
Starting with Eurodollars in the 1950s, US-denominated (though not sanctioned initially) money held outside America’s borders, a new system of unfettered capital and transborder data flows emerged. Further freed from the Bretton Woods constraints by President Nixon, a global system of computerized and algorithmic financial trading emerged. This phenomenon has morphed into complex high-volume markets for an array of financial instruments. Floating in secret “dark pools” of electronic mirth, highly leveraged assets and debts are transacted across the globe. These include currency derivatives, stock index futures, CDOs, and other computer-based financial instruments.
Citation APA (7th Edition)
Pennings, A.J. (2010, Jun 22). How IT Came to Rule the World, 2.2: Eurodollars, Petrodollars.
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD is a Professor at the Department of Technology and Society, State University of New York, Korea. From 2002-2012 was on the faculty of New York University where he taught comparative political economy, digital economics and traditional macroeconomics. He also taught in the Digital Media MBA at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas, where he lives when not in the Republic of Korea.
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Tags: algorithmic trading > eurodollars > OPEC > petrodollars > structural adjustments > Third World Debt Crisis
The Move to “Smart TV”
Posted on | June 16, 2010 | No Comments
OK, so you think the term “Smart TV” is an oxymoron. Still, something is afoot here with Google, and to a lesser extent Apple (not to be underestimated) getting into the mix for the creation of a post-network television environment. I’m teaching a New Technologies in Advertising and Public Relations course this summer at NYU and we got a gift on the first day of class when Google announced a cooperative agreement with Sony Television, Intel, and Logitech to produce a new viewing (and advertising) experience called Google TV.
This video from provides an explanation and some visuals of the user experience. (Click on the expanding arrows for a full screen view)
Consumer acceptance is crucial, but so is advertising support.
Google has risen to be the top-selling advertising firm in the world with over $20 billion in 2009 revenues. This beats the US $14 billion behemoths Omicom and WPP as well as other top advertising holding companies Interpublic, and Publicis, both with around $5 billion in 2008 revenues.
Can we add another $50 billion to Google’s revenues with the move to Smart TV?
Stay tuned to this channel for more on Google TV as I’m writing a paper on the topic for a conference in Hawaii in two weeks.
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD has been on the NYU faculty since 2001 teaching digital media, information systems management, and global political economy.
iphone vs android?
Posted on | June 14, 2010 | No Comments
We’ve been hearing a lot about competition between Apple and Google over the Smartphone. These statistics add some perspective, although they don’t add the trend lines. One trend line of course is that mobile penetration is still increasing. Another is that Android, Google’s new operating system for smart phones such as Motorola’s Droid and HTC’s Incredible, is being adapted faster than the others.
US Smartphone Market Share
35% RIM Blackberry
28% Apple iPhone
19% Windows Mobile
9% Android
4% Palm
3% Linux
2% Symbian
Q1 2010
Source: Nielsen
The Meaning Makers: Omnicom
Posted on | June 12, 2010 | No Comments
Who produces the meaning in our media-saturated society? I don’t have an easy answer to this question but I’m starting a new series called the Meaning Makers, that explores the companies, people and practices engaged in the production of our culture(s), desires, and mentalities.
Meaning-making through advertising and public relations has traditionally has been dominated by several major holding companies that each in turn owns a large number of individual of advertising, design, public relations and media companies. These include the Omnicom Group and Interpublic both headquartered in New York as well as WPP in London and Publicis of Paris. To start off this series, I’m going to first talk about Omnicom.
The Omnicom Group consists of three major advertising “brands”, BBDO Worldwide, DDB Worldwide, and TBWA\Worldwide; three major public relations firms, Fleishman-Hillard, Ketchum, and Porter Novelli. Marketing services are coordinated through Diversified Agency Services (DAS), a division of Omnicom Group Inc with more than 190 companies operating internationally and locally. This includes customer relationship management (CRM) and B2B advertising services, public relations, as well as specialty communications operating fields such as financial, healthcare, recruitment, multicultural marketing. The Omnicom Group also includes media services companies such as OMD, PHD, and Prometheus. Specialized services include Icon International, a leading asset barter company, Novus, OMG Outdoor Media Group, and Resolution Media.
Omnicon is involved in PR for nations, such as Ketchum’s work with Russia to develop briefing points for interviews; press releases, fact sheets, etc. Omnicom companies also promote their oil companies and facilitate meetings between representatives of Russia’s government officials and international “experts’ who are often interviewed in the media. Of particular interest has been to guide their acceptance into the WTO.
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD recently joined the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University in Austin TX, after ten years on the faculty of New York University.
Tags: customer relationship management (CRM) > Interpublic > Omnicom Group > Publicis > WTO
Meanings that Mean Something
Posted on | June 2, 2010 | No Comments
I’m back from a month off to finish up the semester and even harder, prepare for the summer.
I wanted to start off again by drawing attention to an interesting book, Making Meaning: How Successful Businesses Deliver Meaningful Customer Experiences, by Steve Diller, Nathan Shedroff, and Darrel Rhea
One of the things they did was to try to identify commonalities in the types of meaning people value by interviewing people from different cultures and countries. I’ll refer you to their website but have a look through their preliminary list as well.
(in alphabetical order)
1. Accomplishment
2. Beauty
3. Community
4. Creation
5. Duty
6. Enlightenment
7. Freedom
8. Harmony
9. Justice
10. Oneness
11. Redemption
12. Security
13. Truth
14. Validation
15. Wonder
This is a great list to help think about cultural and experience industries.
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD is the Professor of Global Media at Hannam University in South Korea. Previously, he taught at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas and was on the faculty of New York University from 2002-2012. He also taught at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand and was a Fellow at the East-West Center in Hawaii in the 1990s.
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Tags: Accomplishment > Beauty > Community > Duty > meaning > Nathan Shedroff
Figuring Criminality in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street
Posted on | May 1, 2010 | No Comments
Perhaps no other film captured the economic changes taking place in the 1980s as did Oliver Stone’s (1987) Wall Street. Much of the financial world started to change dramatically as deregulation and technical innovation created new dangers and new opportunities for both the abuse and the creation of wealth. This post looks at how that era was represented in Wall Street and how it drew on the gangster genre to tell its story.
A financial explosion occurred in the 1980s. Business Week called it, “The Casino Society,” citing new gambling games such as futures and stock options that made it more an arena of speculating than a conduit for investment. The financial system began to operate as an “autonomous subsystem” of the broader world economy. It was fueled by a widening array of negotiable instruments such as commodities, currencies, government bonds, options, and over-the-counter stocks.
The fire was fanned even more by the new Reagan administration. It added billions of dollars of new debt to the casino. Fearing further economic stagnation, the Reagan administration was hesitant to enact legislation that might intervene and further regulate the financial environment.
Money markets have always sold themselves as vehicles for capital movement. Stock exchanges for shares aggregate wealth at a fixed point for investment. At the same time, they also provide liquidity, the ability to let investors withdraw their money when they need it. Wall Street is the primary intermediary in this movement of electronic wealth.
Stone’s story merges this financial backdrop with a story about an ambitious young newcomer (Bud Fox) who comes to the “Big Apple” in search of fortune and recognition. He ultimately joins up with a seasoned corporate raider (Gordon Gekko) whose deal-making thrives on inside information. Tired of analyzing operating statistics (relative price-earnings ratios, divisional breakup values, credit coverages, etc.), Fox attempts to use some privileged information to his advantage. He teams up with Gekko to use the information to buy the airline where his father works.
Troubled by an FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) investigation that is blocking route expansion and the purchase of vital new equipment, Bluestar Airlines looked to remain stagnant if not go into the red. Bud inadvertently gets the insider information because his father is the shop steward of his union at the airline. With the aid of Gekko, he attempts to raid the company’s stock and become its president only to find that his mentor has plans to dissolve the airline.
The study of the gangster film gained notoriety with Colin McArthur’s Underworld USA (1972) in which he laid out the iconographic elements of the genre — the “patterns of visual imagery, of recurrent objects and figures in dynamic relationship.” Three categories were delineated to lay a foundation for an active, intelligible account of the genre. The first was the physical presence or denotative attributes, such as the dress of the characters. The second consisted of the “urban milieux” in which the fiction was played out. The last was the technology used by the characters, primarily, guns and cars.
Stone’s iconographics place his main characters as outsiders within the urban cathedrals of modern power. Its main characters are creatures of desire facing a world that denies them. They adhere to the strictest bourgeois codes, yet their business consists of an underground network of shady transactions outside the official economy. Their aggressions propel them towards the rational economy while their pasts repel them. From their lofty towers, they plot electronic raids on unsuspecting companies. Stone replaces the guns and cars of the traditional genre with spreadsheets and cellular telephones to expand the sphere of their influence or hostage others for greenmail.
The gangster character-type with its propensity towards dramatic action and individualistic profiteering has long been a favorite of in American popular film. Its aggressive, yet misguided personas fit well into tragic and moralistic tales which the emerging Hollywood studios were quick to exploit during the Great Depression. Warner Brothers, in particular, drew on new developments in sound and picture quality. It positioned these new identities in a contemporaneous social realism markedly different from fantasy films such as King Kong, and Dracula, which dominated the period.
The attraction of the early gangster, despite this villainy, was tied mainly to his position as an outsider. The populist criticism of liberal capitalism saw in the gangster genre a vehicle for politicizing the current problems of the time — alienation, greed, poverty, and unemployment. Criminality was seen as resulting from socioeconomic factors such as the Prohibition and the unequal distributions of wealth. Films such as The Public Enemy(1931), stressed the gangster’s working-class roots and markers such as unfashionable clothes and ghetto dialects. The Warner Brothers studio itself was identified with the Democratic New Deal, and its economic success left it relatively independent from the Morgan/Rockefeller banking empire.
Stone clearly figures his main characters in Wall Street from this early genre and its iconography. Gordon Gekko and Bud Fox both hail, quite energetically, from working-class conditions. Gecko’s father sold electrical supplies in Campsville, Arkansas, after the government foreclosed on the family farm. Carl returned nightly to a home in Queens after a day’s work fixing aircraft for the Bluestar airline. Like Stone’s award-winning film, Platoon, Charlie Sheen plays a “coming to age” character trying to reconcile his subjectivity among capitalism’s competing myths.
The film’s narrative acts out the tensions between two discourses that structure the acts of criminality but bring in a set of conflicting interpretations. On the one hand, it presents good sound capitalism, the kind Marx thought might lead to communism one day. Three supporting characters reinforce this discourse: Bud’s father, a union leader; Sir Lawrence Wildman, a reconverted raider; and Lou Mannheim, who works at the same brokerage firm. Lou, a potential mentor, cautions Bud, “You’re part of something here; the money we invest creates science, jobs, goods, and services.”
The other discourse is entrepreneurial greed — competition with no holds barred. Gekko, as anti-hero, was its main representation in the film, but it was also the dominant Wall Street coda. The securities inflation of the 1980s was one of the decade’s major media stories and a lasting legacy of the Reagan Era. The Dow Jones and Nikkei indexes were the smiling faces of the new age of electronic predatory capitalism. Share price aggregates broke one numerical milestone after another as the world turned its attention to the new liberal prosperity.
The “Masters of the Universe,” as Tom Wolfe called them in his book, Bonfire of the Vanities(1987), fascinated the American public. As a new breed of “robber barons’, they saw themselves as having the ability to re-energize American industry and drive out the bureaucratic corpocracy that had stagnated in the 1970s. Managerial capitalism was accused of letting American competitiveness slide in favor of its former World War II enemies and it needed to be broken up this new class of raiders.
One of the most celebrated and later reprimanded of these new money mandarins was Michael Milken. Milken was credited with developing the infamous “junk bond” market. These high-interest bonds for the less creditworthy companies attracted money from around the world. Insurance companies, Mutual funds, Savings and Loans, among others, were the first to purchase these high return notes. Junk bonds provided a quick but expensive way to raise large amounts of capital for buying vulnerable companies. Cable and satellite TV, fiber optics, and wireless industries used junk bonds for the communications revolution that would follow.
Unfortunately, the high costs of procuring financing, in many cases, made breaking up these companies the most profitable strategy for the raider. Assets such as buildings, equipment, and intellectual property were sold off for quick profits. T. Boone Pickens, a sort of real-life J. R. Ewing of the TV show Dallas, made US$107 million at one point from raiding big companies like the now extinct Gulf and Philips Petroleum.
To Bud Fox’s horror, he realizes that his mentor Gekko had planned all along to break up the airline company that employs his father and many friends. Bud’s enthusiasm to restructure the Bluestar airline and save it financially plays into the hands of the major gangster and sets the company up for the fall.
Stone’s myth and characterizations were contemporaneous with New York’s emergence as the world’s numispolis and the transition to a transnational system for arbitrage and the movement of electronic money. New York’s dominance had been complete with the first defeat of Germany in 1919, but it emerged even stronger with the financial destruction of the US government in the 1980s. The country’s burden was Wall Street’s bonanza. The city that needed a bailout in the seventies was soaking up the world’s cash reserves a year later. Packs of transnational Eurodollars, abandoning the dream of a newly developed Third World, returned to yuppiedom to feast on an unsuspecting corporate infrastructure. The IMF had put out the yellow light on Brazil, Venezuela, and the Philippines.
A national government may not go bankrupt, Walter Wriston proclaimed in the mid-seventies when bankers were searching out new markets for their coffers of petrodollars. However, they had unfathomable appetites for foreign currencies. As prospects for rich returns diminished, new calculative strategies, enriched by the computer and new software algorithms, took aim at corporate America.
While villainy is a stable in narrative structure, the moral space created by the text frequently situates the criminal character outside this traditional function. The gangster, as a product of the new urban civilization, confronted the contradictions of liberal capitalism with its promise of a classless, democratic society. The genre pitted desire against constraint. The gangster, amidst the legal and social conditions of the early thirties, violated the system of rules and bureaucracy in the name of tragic individualism.
The corporate raider became a new socio-economic caricature to which Stone has made his contribution by intertexting the gangster genre into his filmed critique of the contradictions of modern capitalism. The new gangster, represented by Gekko and Fox in Wall Street, is figured heavily by the sympathies Americans have for the criminal who fights the bureaucratic barriers to opportunity and advancement but who must ultimately take a tragic downfall in the name of justice.
I have followup post on Stone’s Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010). He takes up the story of the 2007 financial crash and the resultant “Great Recession.”
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD has been on the NYU faculty since 2001 teaching digital media, information systems management, and global communications.
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Tags: Bonfire of the Vanities > Bud Fox > Colin McArthur > Gordon Gekko > Masters of the Universe > Michael Milken > Motorola DynaTAC > Oliver Stone > Tom Wolfe > Underworld USA > Wall Street > Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps