Anthony J. Pennings, PhD


How IT Came to Rule the World, 1.9: Early Internationalization of the Internet

Posted on | April 28, 2010 | No Comments

This is the 16th post in the mini-series How IT Came to Rule the World and addresses some of the earliest attempts to privatize and globalize the Internet.

A conference was being organized in 1972 to determine the future of the Internet and its packet-switching data communications technology. It was to be held in Washington DC and would primarily provide a showcase for the ARPANET. ARPA was struggling with the operational costs of the network and was looking to sell it off. Meanwhile, it was attracting the attention of the research community so the plan was to bring network engineers and computer scientists from around the world together to discuss the future of data communications.

In October 1972, the IEEE’s First International Conference on Computers and Communications was held at the Hilton Hotel to show off the ARPANET’s capabilities and perhaps unload the network that was becoming somewhat of an albatross for its handlers. ARPA was under some pressure to avoid paying for its operational costs. Organized by Bob Kahn of BBN and supported by Larry Roberts at ARPA, the conference sparked a major discussion of where the ARPANET was going and what it could do.

A number of ideas were discussed concerning future uses and implementation of the ARPANET, including its integration with other networks around the world. ARPA was looking to sell off its packet network, but a demonstration to AT&T resulted in a computer crash and Ma Bell left the conference unimpressed. Although the network would continue to be underused, the conference sparked a number of initiatives that would have longstanding influences on the future of the Internet.

Researchers from many countries eagerly attended the conference. One of the major concerns was voiced by representatives from those nations who wanted to implement their own packet-switching networks. French representatives for example were planning their own packet-switching network called CYCLADES and the British had their own independently designed NPL network. Even in the US, a group of disgruntled employees had left BBN in July 1972 and formed Packet Communications Incorporated, expressing concerns that BBN was commercializing too slowly.

Like most conferences, graduate students were crucial to its success. Bob Metcalfe was a graduate student at Harvard (and future inventor of Ethernet and founder of 3Comm) assigned the task of compiling a list of uses for the ARPANET. He queried the administrators of ARPANET, many of which he knew because of his own participation in the project. He then wrote a manuscript called Scenarios, which listed 19 things to do with the ARPANET. The list included activities such as Remote Job Entry (RJE) as well as games and symbolic manipulation of mathematical formulas. Many of which would be demonstrated at the conference.

The ICCC of 1972 was the first major demonstration of ARPANET and Metcalfe was an obvious choice to demonstrate the fledgling computer network at the conference. An IMP was set up in Georgetown Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel and terminals were set up around the room. Kahn had requested participation from the various nodes of the network and universities which ARPA was funding. Together they included some thirty universities such as Carnegie Melon, Harvard, Hawaii, Illinois, MIT, New York University, USC, and Utah, as well as AMES, BBN, MITRE, and RAND. One major objective of the conference was to shop the network to interested private concerns and/or unload the operational aspects of the facilities. ARPA and BBN were looking for a commercial operator to run with the new technology that was becoming somewhat of an albatross for its handlers. They saw its potential as a commercial operation licensed with the FCC as a specialized common carrier and providing packet-switched data communications to corporate and other clients.

An obvious candidate for taking over the ARPANET was AT&T. Ten executives from AT&T scheduled a meeting with Metcalfe that he recounts with visible anger. Partway into the demonstration, the IMP crashed. The AT&T executives appeared visibly pleased and laughed, reassured that this new technology would be no threat to the largest network in the world. Bob Metcalfe never forgave them. He went on to Hawaii to learn the AlohaNet system and then incorporated those ideas into Ethernet at Xerox PARC.

It would was the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) that would play the next important role in the adoption of packet-switching technologies.

To get some perspective of what the Internet has transformed into, view this video by



AnthonybwAnthony J. Pennings, PhD is Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Technology and Society, State University of New York, Korea. Before joining SUNY, he taught at Hannam University in South Korea and from 2002-2012 was on the faculty of New York University. Previously, he taught at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas, Marist College in New York, and Victoria University in New Zealand. He has also spent time as a Fellow at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

What does it mean to live in an IT-ruled society?

Posted on | April 25, 2010 | No Comments

What does it mean to live in an IT-ruled society? What can the trajectory of information and communications technologies tell us about democratic participation? Below are some questions that are worth considering as we continue this unprecedented journey into a net-centric governed and managed society.

About sovereignty and control? About the conditions of play and creativity in our lives? What are the rules, procedures, and degrees of freedom structured in modern life by the preponderance of networked information machines? To what extent can voices be heard? What is the future of censorship and the protection of speech and the “press” in a digital age? How is information produced and distributed?

Can people recognize, critique, and participate in the conditions of their lives? What is the future of voting? Of electoral representation? Of constitutional parliamentary and presidential systems? Of the control and conditions of ownership of property? What is the role and future of bureaucracy? What are the conditions of eligibility in entitlement systems for health, education, and welfare?

Under what conditions and leadership can people be mobilized for collective action and reflection? How can media facilitate the engagement of people in recognition of social problems and their resolution? What media practices can garner the will of significant collections of people and direct their energies towards constructive and peaceful problem solving?

How can tensions between centralization and decentralized forms of authority and control be reconciled? What organizational forms can facilitate economic growth, maintain sustainable environments, and provide abundant opportunities for creative participation and productivity? How will IT monitor environmental conditions and identify hazards to human living? Remote sensing satellites already produce a large amount of data on crops, floods, droughts, forest conditions, and the location of natural resources.


AnthonybwAnthony J. Pennings, PhD is Professor of the Department of Technology and Society, State University of New York, Korea. Before joining SUNY, he taught at Hannam University in South Korea and from 2002-2012 was on the faculty of New York University. Previously, he taught at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas, Marist College in New York, and Victoria University in New Zealand. He has also spent time as a Fellow at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

How IT Came to Rule the World, 2.1: Data Technology and Money

Posted on | April 25, 2010 | No Comments

This is the 15th post in the mini-series How IT Came to Rule the World. Section 2 deals with the rise of electronic money and transactions.

The telephone, telegraph, and telex were all important parts of the international financial system prior to the 1970s, but political and technological changes initiated a major transformation in the speed and versatility of financial transactions. Data communication systems moved quickly from military experimentation to commercial exploitation as banks, news agencies, and other corporate actors who were moving branches and factories offshore utilized these new technologies. NASDAQ began transacting its first computerized equity trades in 1971 and Reuters had begun using computers and telephone lines to provide stock information internationally with its Stockmaster technology.

Reuters, a major international news agency long involved in the circulation of financial information, also moved quickly to develop a new computer system for sending out currency prices. Using leased telecommunication lines to banks and other customers, Reuters created the beginnings of a virtual international currency exchange market. Banks paid for receiving currency price quotes and news and could also pay to list their prices with the service. With floating currency values due to the breakdown of the Bretton Woods gold-dollar standard, exchange rates became very volatile, especially after the Arab-Israeli war broke out in late 1973.

Reuters’ new system called Monitor displayed monetary values on computer screens in banks around the world and created a new dimension to the electronic marketplace that had been created initially by the introduction of the telegraph and the ticker tape machines.



AnthonybwAnthony J. Pennings, PhD is the Professor of Global Media at Hannam University in South Korea. Previously, he taught at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas and was on the faculty of New York University from 2002-2012. He also taught at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand and was a Fellow at the East-West Center in Hawaii in the 1990s.

How IT Came to Rule the World, Digital Monetarism

Posted on | April 22, 2010 | No Comments

This is the 14th post in the mini-series How IT Came to Rule the World

    I have directed Secretary Connally to suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets except in amounts and conditions determined to be in the interests of monetary stability and in the best interests of the United States.
    – President Richard Nixon on national TV, August 15, 1971

This morning as I was coming home from my daughter’s Kindergarten class, I had to traverse the security for President Obama’s talk at Cooper Union on financial reform. With all the talk on derivatives and financial technologies, I thought I would move on the Regime Two of this series. Almost as soon as the combination of computer technologies, satellites, and data communications became available they started to be integrated into the financial field.

The regime of digital monetarism emerged in reaction to containment capitalism and involved releasing the powers of finance capital and creating transnational flows of electronic information, news Nixon takes the US off the gold - dollar standard established at Bretton Woodsand money. The containment regime was state-centric and involved elaborate regulatory structures to suppress domestic and international flows of money and also channel excessive economic surpluses into government activities.

While the idea of a regime is meant to be fluid, digital monetarism can be given a start date: On August 15, 1971, President Nixon shocked with world with his surprise television announcement that he was “closing the gold window” and no longer honoring the redemption of dollars for gold. Too many dollars had been created by the international financial system and they threatened the gold stockpiles at Fort Knox. Meanwhile, Nixon was preoccupied with economic battles with Japan and West Germany while also wanting to “print” more money to pay for the Vietnam War. After convening a secret meeting at Camp David among his top advisors, Nixon decided to renege on the country’s international agreements created at the Bretton Woods conference on dollar convertibility and sought to free up the US so it could create a more fluid regime of currency transactions and capital flows.

Nixon’s decision came at a unique time in computer and communications history. Silicon “chips” had recently become commercially available with integrated circuits being used in minicomputers and the revolutionary “microprocessor” on the verge of widespread availability in “microcomputers” such as the Altair and the Apple II. The FCC had been holding hearings on computer communications since 1966 in order to facilitate public-switched data networks and timesharing systems were in regular use. ARPANET was primitive, but online, and about to become the Internet with the development of the TCP protocols. An international satellite communications system was recently available and Nixon himself had made the longest phone call in history to the first astronauts on the moon in 1969. Furthermore, the Nixon administration created the Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP) in 1970 that was quite active in a number of telecommunications deregulatory measures that opened up AT&T’s network and allowed companies such as MCI to compete. The time was ripe for an explosion of new technologies in the financial field.


Four Ways to Think about Democracy and Media

Posted on | April 18, 2010 | No Comments

I was lucky to have a great mentor during my graduate school days who provided a strong intellectual foundation for further study and research. Majid Tehranian, a professor of the political economy of communications at the University of Hawaii was the chair of my Masters thesis committee and also assisted me by serving on my PhD committee. Although he did his PhD at Harvard on OPEC issues, he turned his focus towards communications and information technologies during the 1980s and later towards peace studies.

Professor Tehranian (everyone called him “Majid”) was working on a book called Technologies of Power: Information Machines and Democratic Prospects during my graduate days and I even had the pleasure of doing the index for it – the old fashioned way (by hand).

As a framework to develop our understanding of communication and media issues related to concepts of democracy and development, he laid out four different ways people were writing and theorizing about them. He used a recognizable color scheme to distinguish their different polarities: Blue – Liberal Democracy, Red – Communist Democracy, Green-Ecological Democracy and Black – Counter-Democratic tendencies. These areas are contentious, dynamic, and open to a lot of debate, but they served effectively as intellectual “hangers” on which struggling graduate students could organize and “hang” their knowledge.

When our Department of Digital Communications and Media Studies at NYU decided to put on an event exploring engagement and the media, I decided to review the book and use it for my presentation as a way of starting a conversation about democracy and possibilities presented by social media.

Notes from my presentation for the ENGAGED MEDIA Colloquium at NYU on April 17, 2010

FOUR Ways of Thinking about Democracy and Social Media
Anthony J. Pennings, PhD
Dept of Digital Communications and Media Studies
New York University

Blue Democracy

  • Liberal capitalism
  • Views democracy in terms of the expansion of individual liberty through the processes of pluralization of the economy, society and polity
  • Representative government
  • Fears bureaucratization and tyranny of the majority
  • Citizens stay informed through the Fourth Estate – the objective mass media – so that they can vote effectively and apply make their voices known to their representatives
  • Key Words
    pluralism, markets, free enterprise, balance of power, liberty, separation of powers, property rights, division of labor, interest groups, freedom of speech, assembly, and association; Fourth Estate; modernization, two-party system, privacy, ego, high accumulation

    Red Democracy

  • Communist democracy
  • Views democracy in terms of the mobilization of collective will in the service of equality
  • Origins stem from the critique of capitalism and its social implications
  • Fears the tyranny of the minority
  • Media is the instrument of the government to facilitate class struggle

  • Key Words
    mobilization, collective will, labor, class struggle, modernization, State, progress, alter-ego, intelligentsia, lumpen-proletariat, Marxism, single-channel flows, censorship, party control, critical, equality,

    Green Democracy

  • Ecological or communitarian democracy
  • Views democracy in terms of local, non-violent, grassroots involvement in the relationship between people, and with the environment
  • Fears the destruction of the natural environment
  • Community, small media,
    Direct democracy, MMP parliamentary system
  • Key Words
    grassroots participation, direct democracy, social justice, ecological wisdom, nonviolence, super-ego, decentralization, community-based economics, gender equality, fraternity, networking flows, diversity, think globally, act locally, future focus, sustainability, environment

    Black* Counter-Democracy

  • Fascist dictatorship
  • Views democracy as a threat to the rightful order and/or identity
  • Generally involves: radical change, myths of ethnic or national renewal, and a conception of crisis
  • Tactics involve radical transformation, violent coups, putsch
  • Media flows are monolithic and ritualized, including theatrical propaganda
  • Key Words
    racial and/or ideological purity, social transformation, corporatist, purification, ethic renewal, genetic traits, militarism, conspiracies, heroic past, political repression, “survival of the fittest”, anti-modernization, rebirth through power, acts of sabotage, marginalized social classes, ethnocentrism, marginals, fascist, totalitarian, order, identity, coups, putsch, pseudo-science, reactionary, authoritarian, monolithic media flows

    These are dynamic times and the stakes are high: globalization, climate change, dwindling resources (oil, water, fish, etc.), national debt. Yet, we have this extraordinary technological convergence. Mass media is our base, but what we call “social media” is giving us an unprecedented ability to converse, cooperate, collaborate, and engage. The challenge for the next few decades, and perhaps more immediately than you think, is to configure a democratic system that understands the strengths and weaknesses of the social media infrastructure and its communicative possibilities.

    * The color Black is, unfortunately, linked to Fascist tendencies, as well as more positive and progressive ethnic movements.




    Anthony J. Pennings, PhD is a visiting professor at Hannam University in South Korea. He recently joined the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University in Austin TX, after ten years on the faculty of New York University.

    how IT came to rule the world, 1.8: Bell Labs and the Transistor

    Posted on | April 10, 2010 | No Comments

    This is the 13th post in the mini-series How IT Came to Rule the World

    The transistor provided an extraordinary capability to control an electrical current which was initially used for amplifying electromagnetic frequencies and then for the switching of 1s and 0s needed for digital computing. An unlikely scenario unfolded in the 1950s when AT&T’s fear of government anti-trust action and regulation sparked the sharing of this seminal technology. This led to the solid state electronics revolution and then to the silicon semiconductor innovations that led to the rapid development of computerized information technology.

    The transistor emerged from the research efforts of AT&T, the corporate behemoth that was formed by JP Morgan and guided by US policy to become the nation’s primary telecommunications provider. In 1913, AT&T settled its first federal anti-trust suit with the US government. The agreement established the company, started with Alexander Graham Bell’s technology, as an officially sanctioned monopoly. A document known as the Kingsbury Commitment spelled out the new structure and rules of interconnection in return for AT&T divesting its controlling interest in telegraphy powerhouse Western Union.

    Both companies had a history of consolidating their market domination through patent creation or purchase. For example, AT&T purchased the patents for the De Forest vacuum tube amplifier in 1915, giving it control over newly emerging “wireless” technologies such as radio and transatlantic radiotelephony, as well as any other technology that used the innovation to amplify electrical signals. Patents, as government sanctioned barriers to entry, created huge obstacles for other competitors and effectively barred them from producing and using anything close to the restricted technology. As AT&T grew more powerful, it established Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. (Bell Labs) in 1925 as a research and development subsidiary. Fed by AT&T’s monopoly profits, Bell Labs became a virtual “patent factory”, producing thousands of technical innovations and patents a year by the 1930s. One of its major challenges was to find a more efficient successor to the vacuum tube.

    After World War II, the US Justice Department filed another anti-trust lawsuit against AT&T. In 1949 it sought the divestiture of Western Electric, AT&T’s equipment-manufacturing arm. The action came after, although not necessarily because of, the telephone company’s invention of the transistor, an electronic device that regulated the flow of electricity through a small cylinder device. It operated much like the vacuum tube but the transistor however was “solid-state”: easier to use, more reliable, and much smaller as well. It worked by reducing the voltage while maintaining a strong current, ideal for a wide variety of electronic devices.

    The transistor’s inception dates to December 23, 1947 at Bell Labs’ facilities in Murray Hill, New Jersey. At the time, AT&T’s famed research facility employed nearly 6,000 people, with 2,000 being engineering and research professionals. The development of the transistor was not a result of just basic research; it was the result of an all-out attempt to find something to replace the vacuum tube. In any case, the government’s lawsuit meant that AT&T would tread lightly with this new invention lest it raise additional concerns about Ma Bell’s monopoly power.

    Unlike its previous history of zealously controlling or acquiring any patents (including the vacuum tube) dealing with its telephone network, AT&T decided to liberally license out the new technology. It did not want to antagonize the Justice Department over a technology it did not fully understand nor knew how to implement commercially. But some of the Bell Labs employees were already jumping ship with the technology and the anti-trust action was an indication that any patent infringement cases would be hard to defend in court.

    So in 1951 and 1952, Bell Labs put on two symposiums revealing all their information on the transistor. The first was for government and military officials only, while twenty-five American companies and ten foreign companies attended the second. All were required to put out $25,000 as “a down-payment on a license.” Sensing the potential of the new device, the Department of Defense awarded a number of multi-million dollar contracts for transistor research contracts. General Electric, Raytheon, RCA, and Sylvania, all major vacuum tube makers, began working with their transistor licenses on military applications. AT&T’s Western Electric for example found in the Department of Defense an immediate market for nearly all its transistors. AT&T’s fear of the government’s anti-trust threat resulted in an extraordinary diffusion of the century’s most important technology.

    In the mid-1950s the US government made a fateful decision regarding the future of the semiconductor industry when it ruled on Western Electric’s fate. In 1956, the Justice Department decided to let AT&T hold on to its manufacturing subsidiary under two conditions. First, it restricted the telephone company from computer-related activities except for sales to the military and for its own internal purposes, such as in telephone switching equipment. Second, AT&T was also required to give up its remaining transistor patents. As a consequence of the government’s pressure, the nascent semiconductor industry was released from the control of the monolithic telephone company.

    Three licensees in particular, Motorola, Texas Instruments and Fairchild took advantage of AT&T’s transistor technology. Each procured valuable government contracts to refine the electronic switching technology and increase its reliability. The government contracts also helped them to develop sophisticated manufacturing techniques so they could mass-produce the transistors. In particular, two political developments, the nuclear arms race with the USSR and the goal to land on the Moon, became important for advancing the transistor technology that would propel an electronics revolution and lead to major advances in computer technologies.



    AnthonybwAnthony J. Pennings, PhD is the Professor of Global Media at Hannam University in South Korea. Previously, he taught at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas and was on the faculty of New York University from 2002-2012. He also taught at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand and was a Fellow at the East-West Center in Hawaii in the 1990s.

    Some Economics of Social Media

    Posted on | April 8, 2010 | No Comments

    There is a dynamism to the Internet and its World Wide Web that is truly extraordinary. While the reasons for their success are complex, we can start by looking at some economic factors, both market and nonmarket. Both seem to be highly relevant to the latest series of technologies and applications known as social media.

    It can be argued that social networking is one of the original “killer apps” of the Internet. Its email and instant messaging capabilities, the combination of its capabilities: searching, linking, tagging, commenting, voting, authoring, etc., has allowed new platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia to emerge, while empowering a wide number of other websites to enhance their communication infrastructure. I say communication because while social media often involves media content, it adds a new dimension by giving users a voice, either through user-generated content or/and its ability to critique, review, and comment on that content.

    So what are the economic factors driving the social media phenomenon?

    • Declining computing and storage costs are giving people access to the “means of production”. Computers, smartphones, video cameras, as well as audio, video, and word editing software now available at relatively affordable costs. Also, cloud computing services making possible online services such as Flickr and Gmail have aided the social media movement. Within the context of the Internet, these technologies have become more than consumer items, they are the capital goods of the social media economy. They are the goods that make other goods.
    • The resources that are used are primarily informational – cultural, political, artistic. These need to be “mined and processed” in ways that are still best done by human labor. Social and cultural production is a delicate operation requiring unique human sensitivities and creativity.
    • The products of social media have an unusual cost structure in that once produced, the marginal costs of additional copies are minimal. A tweet can go to four or four thousand people without incurring much additional costs.
    • The “link economy” of the Internet’s hypertext environment connects like ideas and makes them searchable and accountable. Combined with the “network effects” of the web – as each person joins the network – it becomes more valuable – the link economy has had a major influence on information economics of the web by making it extraordinarily easy and historically cheap to find the information for which you are searching.

    The convergence of these economic trends has resulted in social media being embraced for both e-commerce and non-market activities. It is a powerful combination that is not only enhancing e-commerce operations but giving support to all manner of social movements.



    AnthonybwAnthony J. Pennings, PhD is the Professor of Global Media at Hannam University in South Korea. Previously, he taught at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas and was on the faculty of New York University from 2002-2012. He also taught at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand and was a Fellow at the East-West Center in Hawaii in the 1990s.

    How IT Came to Rule the World, 1.7

    Posted on | April 3, 2010 | No Comments

    This is the 12th post in the mini-series How IT Came to Rule the World

    Quest for the Moon enhances microprocessing powerWithin weeks of the first landing on the Moon, the foundation of the Internet was created. Government-sponsored projects implemented the theories of data communications and created the first packet-switching and packet-broadcasting network called the ARPANET.

    ARPA subcontracted the design and creation of network to a small company called BBN, an important part of the emerging “revolving door” for engineers and scientists between academia, government and industry. Then the University of Hawaii’s Aloha System provided fascinating new possibilities for wireless data communications between mobile units and for satellite packet communications (and soon led to the Ethernet LANs).

    The problems encountered in reconciling these different data transmission systems operating in different networks led to the Internetting Project and the development of a new data communications protocol that would link different computers operating on different computer networks.

    Vint Cerf talks about his role in the creation of the TCP protocol and its implications for the global Internet.



    AnthonybwAnthony J. Pennings, PhD is Professor and Associate Chair of the Department of Technology and Society, State University of New York, Korea. Before joining SUNY, he taught at Hannam University in South Korea and from 2002-2012 was on the faculty of New York University. Previously, he taught at St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas, Marist College in New York, and Victoria University in New Zealand. He has also spent time as a Fellow at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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    Professor at State University of New York (SUNY) Korea since 2016. Moved to Austin, Texas in August 2012 to join the Digital Media Management program at St. Edwards University. Spent the previous decade on the faculty at New York University teaching and researching information systems, digital economics, and strategic communications.

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